他のメンバー : 柘植 雅義 小林 秀之 岡崎 慎治 井田 仁康 藤田 晃之 川口 純 茂呂 雄二 菊地 かおり LAMICHHANE KAMAL 野呂 文行 Tastanbekova Kuanysh 雷坂 浩之
他機関 : 星 祐子


特別支援研究セミナーにおいてオハイオ州立大学のM. Brock博士から、特別支援クラスの授業風景を録画し、教員と研究者がそれを見ながらディスカッションを行い、教員が教育現場でフィードバックをもとに実践するシステムの紹介がされました。私たちはこの研究は、様々なケースをデータとして蓄積できる点でも非常に有益で共感できる取り組みだと考えており、現在は、このシステムを取り入れた特別支援教育の現職教員スキルアッププログラムを開発するための共同研究の準備を進めています。
- ・附属特別支援学校5校・特別支援教育連携推進グループ・人間系障害科学域の協働による「筑波大学 特別支援教育 教材・指導法データベース」http://www.human.tsukuba.ac.jp/snerc/kdb/index.html
- 特別支援教育研究セミナーの開催(特別支援教育連携推進グループとの共催で年2回、毎年実施)
- 障害科学学会における企画シンポジウム「米国におけるエビデンスベースのインクルーシブ教育の実際―オハイオ州立大学研究連携視察をもとに―」の実施(2019年3月)
- 「通級による指導担当者養成の在り方に関する実践研究プロジェクト」(茨城県)の受託(2020年度)
- 「課題別研修『インクルーシブ教育実践強化~すべての子どもを支える授業づくり~』コース研修」(JICA筑波)の受託(2020年度~2022年度)
Exploring Ideal Inclusive Education Systems through International Collaboration
Unit members : Tsuge, Masayoshi Kobayashi, Hideyuki OKAZAKI, Shinji Ida, Yoshiyasu Fujita, Teruyuki Kawaguchi, Jun Moro, Yuji Kikuchi, Kaori Lamichhane, Kamal Noro, Fumiyuki Tastanbekova, Kuanysh Raisaka, Hiroyuki
Other agencies : Hoshi, Yuko
Unit name: Research on Developing Inclusive Education System
Key words: inclusive education, special education, curriculum, teacher training, JP model of lesson study
The establishment of inclusive education (IE) systems/processes to fulfill diverse education needs, such as the needs of children with disabilities, children from economically disadvantaged families, and children with different cultural backgrounds, is a global challenge. However, in Japan, IE related research is still limited and mainly remains within the research area of special education.
The research unit on Developing Inclusive Education System was launched to establish IE systems in Japan, and share them with other countries, taking over the roles of the Special Needs Education Research Center, University of Tsukuba, which had been situated in Tokyo campus until 2017. The research unit aim to realize more comprehensive IE by promoting collaboration between researchers from multidisciplinary areas, including special needs education, education and psychology in University of Tsukuba.
Translating database of teaching materials into English and sharing with countries
The University of Tsukuba has 5 affiliated schools for special needs education in the Tokyo area, promoting research collaboration and practice with the Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education. They created a database of teaching materials revised or devised by their teachers, who have contributed to special needs education through practical research. The Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education and the research unit have been cooperating to translate this database into English, so it can be accessible not only in Japan but also from other countries. The university’s system that allows active collaboration with affiliated schools have made this feasible.

Figure 1: Pursuit of high principles of IE
When we exchange opinions on IE with researchers from other countries, we find that differences in cultural backgrounds and education systems among countries can be a barrier in establishing IE. In contrast, teaching materials are relatively easy to use, regardless of the country or culture, and this is one of the reasons why we believe that there is significance in sharing our expertise with other countries.
Deepening understanding through academic exchange with Ohio State University

A view of exchange with researchers from Ohio State University
We have started academic collaboration with Ohio State University in the U.S., through holding lecture meetings. We are looking into conducting collaborative research in the near future as the two universities have similar research interests and have different special needs-related facilities which will support the research.
During one of our seminars on special needs education, Dr. M. Brock of Ohio State University introduced a system to improve the quality of teaching by recording special needs class sessions and holding discussions among teachers and researchers using these videos to provide feedbacks. Considering this system useful and reasonable, we are currently preparing a collaborative study to develop a skill improvement program for teachers in charge of special needs education.
Although our research has just begun, we see potential in our original approaches and active collaboration with other researchers in developmenting IE. We believe these activities provide various perspectives, connect resources, and contribute to problem-solving and more research.
Social contributions and achievements
- Creating the Database of Teaching Materials and Methods for Special Needs Education, University of Tsukuba through collaboration among the 5 affiliated schools for special needs education, Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education, and Department of Disability Sciences:
http://www.human.tsukuba.ac.jp/snerc/kdb/index.html - Holding seminars to study special needs education (twice every year through collaboration with the Group for Cooperative Promotion of Special Needs Education)
- Organizing a symposium led by the Association of Disability Sciences, Japan, entitled: <Current Status of Evidence-based Inclusive Education in the United States – Observation of Collaborative Research at Ohio State University – > (March 2019)
- Carrying out an entrusted research project, named: <The Practice Research Project for Special Needs Educator Training (Ibaraki Prefecture, FY2020)
- Providing an entrusted specialized training seminar course: <Inclusive Education Skill Improvement – To Organize Class Sessions for All Children (JICA Tsukuba, FY 2020-2022)
Interviewed on February 11, 2020