次世代のデバイスで試されるのは、サイバーワールドという電子的な世界 と物理的な現実世界とをどのように結合するかという問題です。例えば、道に並んでいる商品にスマートフォンをかざすと、その商品の売れ行きや売れ筋、口コ ミなどの情報が表示され、目の前の現実が拡張されて認識できる技術のことを言います(図4)。また、オンラインショッピングで服を買う場合、バーチャルと 現実がなかなか結びつかないことがあります。しかし、ユーザーが服を購入する際に自身のデータや状況に照らし合わせ、状況に合わせて合成した画像を見るこ とができれば、「この会場にこの服は合うだろうか」などと検証することが可能になります。このように、コンピュータとユーザーが対話して拡張現実感を作り 出すことを可能にする、インタラクティブ通信技術の開発を行っています。
● コンピュータサイエンス分野において、今後重要性が増すと考えられる次世代のインタラクティブ情報通信基盤に関する以下の領域での研究の加速。
● 実環境センサ情報処理 ● インタラクティブ情報通信アーキテクチャ
● ユビキタスソフトウェア ● セキュア社会基盤
Toward an era in which everyone uses advanced information-communication technologies
Unit members : Moges Abu Girma Kanazawa Kenji Furukawa, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shin Sannomiya, Shuji Misue, Kazuo Shizuki, Buntarou Shouno, Kazuhiro Ohya, Akihisa
Key words:Ubiquitous, networking architecture, sensor information processing, human-computer interaction, secure information processing
The rapid progress of information-communication devices has been going on. Various forms of information device are currently available, including personal computers, touch-screen tablets, and mobile phones. How will this device change in the future? The research unit develops technologies required to establish infrastructures for next-generation information-communication. The key technology is the interactive communication that allows computers and humans to interact with each other bi-directionally. The research unit, consisting of leading specialists, is involved in various technological developments by incorporating knowledge and techniques (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Research themes and the organization of the team
Development of next-generation communication infrastructures by pursuing user-friendliness
The research unit proposes future-generation information environments, and develops technologies required for their development. For example, touch-screen devices supported by recently-developed technologies are expected to undergo significant changes in the future. When the users of touch-screen devices touch a button displayed on a panel in the near future, they will feel as if they are touching a real button. There will also be a further progress in multi-touch technology in which users can touch multiple places at the same time using two or more fingers to perform a task. The research unit has worked for the research on multi-touch interfaces using cylindrical objects. Unique operating procedures are developed by taking advantage of the depth of the cylindrical object and its 360-degree rotation in the left-right direction (Figure 2). The research unit also conducts research to develop technologies designed to present a variety of information for people to understand easily (Figure 3).

Figure 2: Cylindrical multi-touch interface

Figure 3: The relationship between a website and visitor expressed three-dimensionally
Linking the cyber world to the real one
Next-generation devices are challenged by the issue of how the cyber world and the real world will be integrated. For example, when the users of a smartphone supported by such technologies hold it up toward products on a shelf, information on their sales, the best-selling products, and customers’ responses are displayed on the screen, using augmented reality technology (Figure 4). When purchasing clothes at online stores, it is sometimes difficult to associate online information with real one. However, under the new system, online shoppers will be able to examine whether or not an outfit is appropriate for the occasion by viewing synthetic images created based on their personal data and conditions. The research unit is involved in the development of interactive communication technologies, which allow people to interact with computers utilizing augmented reality technology.

Figure 4: Linking the cyber world to the real one. A system to visualize the level of congestion using augmented reality.
Social contributions and achievements
– Sensor information processing
– Interactive information-communication architecture
– Ubiquitous software
– Infrastructure for a secure society