古川 宏 / Furukawa, Hiroshi

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Association of MUC5B promoter polymorphism with interstitial lung disease in myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis
Association of UBE2L3 polymorphisms with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis in a Japanese population
Identification of secreted phosphoprotein 1 gene as a new rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility gene
Transethnic meta-Analysis identifies GSDMA and PRDM1 as susceptibility genes to systemic sclerosis
MUC5B promoter variant and rheumatoid arthritis with interstitial lung disease
Optimal Treatments Based on Patients’ Genome Sequences
Toward an era in which everyone uses advanced information-communication technologies


論文 / Publication

  1. Refinement of the quantitative models to estimate user's fear in evacuation route planning: A study on the effectiveness of physical factors for signboards Furukawa, Hiroshi Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Intelligent Energy Management, Electronics, Electric & Thermal Power, Robotics and Automation (2020)
  2. A Route Evaluation Method Considering the Subjective Evaluation on Walkability, Safety, and Pleasantness by Elderly Pedestrians Furukawa, Hiroshi, Wang, Zhiping Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering 408 - 416 (2019)
  3. A Qualitative Model to Estimate Users’ Fear of Environmental Conditions for Evacuation Route Guidance Furukawa, Hiroshi, Liu, Zhihuan Intelligent Human Systems Integration. IHSI 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 722 473 - 479 (2018)
  4. Experimental Study on Cognitive Aspects of Indoor Evacuation Guidance Using Mobile Devices Furukawa, Hiroshi, Yang, Kuo Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science: Proceedings of The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2017 801 - 805 (2017)
  5. 高齢歩行者ナビゲーションのための安全性と嗜好を反映した経路生成法の提案 王智平, Furukawa, Hiroshi 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 116 (360) 81 - 87 (2016)
  6. 拡張現実環境における空間タッチパネルインタフェイス設計ガイドラインの検討 若狭渓一郎, 古川,宏 シンポジウム 「モバイル’16」研究論文集 13 - 18 (2016)
  7. 拡張現実を用いたピアノ学習支援アプリの検討 鈴木隆史, 古川,宏 シンポジウム「モバイルʼ16」研究論文集 25 - 30 (2016)
  8. 各国の医療事情を考慮した外国人向け医療事情支援ガイドの開発 周鵬, 古川,宏 モバイル学会誌 5 (2) 43 - 48 (2015)
  9. Empirical evaluation of the pedestrian navigation method for easy wayfinding Furukawa,Hiroshi Proc. 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication IEMCON 2015 (2015)
  10. シリーズ解説「意思決定プロセスとしてのリスクコミュニケーション-原子力の未来に向けて」 古川,宏 日本原子力学会誌「アトモス」 20 - 20 (2015)

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