キーワード: 北極圏、温暖化、海氷激減、生態系、北極振動
地球温暖化によって北極の氷が溶け始めている、という話を聞いたことはありますか? 実際に、北極圏の海氷の激減によって、それまで氷で隔てられていた大西洋と太平洋の植物プランクトン種が混ざり合う現象が確認されています。また、海洋の一次生産者である植物プランクトンの種数や個体数が大きく変化し、食物連鎖系をとおして漁業資源の生産変動など人間活動にも影響が出ています。これまで、こうした多くの観測データの蓄積は膨大になっているものの、温暖化の原因や影響の解明は、まだまだ難しい問題です。

図1:筑波大学計算科学研究センターのスーパーコンピュータT2K による全球雲解析(渦を巻いている部分が北極低気圧)

( スケールバーは 1000 分の 1mm)
● 第2回国際アルケノン研究に関するジョイントミーティングを主催
● 北極圏温暖化影響解析に関するシンポジウム「 地球温暖化の停滞と加速」(気象学会)開催
From observation to analysis / For the next stage of research on global warming in the Arctic
Unit members : Matsuoka, Norikazu ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro Ikeda, Atsushi Nakayama, Takeshi Suzuki, Iwane
Unit name: Arctic Warming Effect
Keywords: Arctic, global warming, a sharp decrease in sea ice, ecosystems, Arctic oscillation
Have you ever heard that ice in the Arctic is melting due to global warming? In fact, studies have confirmed that phytoplankton species in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, which used to be separated from each other by ice, have been mixed together due to a significant decrease in the volume of Arctic sea ice, as an abnormal phenomenon. Furthermore, there have been significant changes in the numbers of phytoplankton – the primary producer, as well as its species; and the activities of humans have been influenced through the food chain system, including changes in the production of fishery resources. Although large volumes of observational data have been obtained, the causes of global warming and its influences have yet to be identified or examined.
The research unit conducts research to identify the causes of climate and marine ecological changes in the Arctic and correctly understand their influences, using various approaches, such as field surveys, laboratory analyses, and computer simulations.
Multilateral scientific approaches to global warming

Figure 1: Analysis of global cloud cover using a super computer, T2K, in the Center for Computational Sciences, the University of Tsukuba
The unit consists of three research fields. The field of “analyses of environmental changes” is for the analysis of the climate of the Arctic and environmental changes in its ocean and land areas. For example, although some people suggest that the significant decrease in the volume of Arctic sea ice is caused by low-pressure systems in the Arctic, which break the ice, the details of the mechanism have yet to be examined. In the analyses of the structure of low pressures in the Arctic and the causes of their formation, the movements of clouds and atmospheric pressures around the earth are simulated by inputting numerical values to super computers as climate conditions to reproduce actual low pressure systems in the Arctic (Figure 1). Collaborative research involving analyses of sediments accumulated on the sea bottom is also conducted to restore marine environments in the past. The field of “Analyses of changes in Ocean Ecosystems” analyzes the community dynamics of marine phytoplankton and zooplankton collected by marine research vessels, and examines the effects of global warming on ecosystems.
The field of “Analyses of Changes in Environments for Marine Organisms” conducts research on haptophyta (Figure 2), a type of coccolithophore, which are the origins of limestones and petroleum generated in the Cretaceous period, and analyzes the physiological properties of the strains of haptophyta living in the Arctic; the University of Tsukuba is the only institution in the world that accomplished their isolation in collaboration with the Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology.

Figure 2: A type of coccolithophore (1/1,000-mm scale bar)
Close relationship between coccolithophore and research on global warming
Coccolithophore, a single-celled alga living in the sea, fixes carbon dioxide that is present in the sea and atmosphere through photosynthesis and calcification, and serves as a pump to transport it to the bottom of the sea. Coccolithophore is a valuable organism in that it has a large biomass*1 and significantly influences the global carbon cycle. There has been an increase in the number of coccolithophore in the cold sea of the Arctic. Parameters required for predicting the dynamics of phytoplankton, its influences on ecosystems, and material productivity in the Arctic sea, which is in a fluctuating environment, can be provided by clarifying the mechanism of coccolithophore to adapt itself to low temperatures and the characteristics of its proliferation.
For the analysis of the influences of global warming and the prediction of changes in marine ecosystems in the Arctic, it is essential to continue multilateral research.
*1: The amount of organisms in a space expressed as the mass of matter
Social contributions and achievements
– The 2nd International Joint Meeting of the Alkenone Biosynthesis and Geoscience
– Symposium “Stagnation and Acceleration of Global Warming” for the analysis of the effects of global warming in the Arctic (The Meteorological Society of Japan)
Interviewed on June 19, 2015