石田 健一郎 / ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro
生命環境系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
- Proposal of a twin aarginine translocator system-mediated constraint against loss of ATP synthase genes from nonphotosynthetic plastid genomes
観測から解析へ〜北極圏温暖化研 究の次のステージを拓く
北極圏温暖化影響解析リサーチユニット From observation to analysis / For the next stage of research on global warming in the Arctic
論文 / Publication
- Barthelonids represent a deep-branching metamonad clade with mitochondrion-related organelles predicted to generate no ATP Euki, Yazaki, Kume, Keitaro, Takashi, Shiratori, Yana, Eglit, Goro, Tanifuji, Ryo, Harada, Alastair, Simpson, Ken-ichiro, Ishida, Tetsuo, Hashimoto, Inagaki, Yuji Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1934) 20201538 (2020)
- Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Phylogeny of Two Novel Species of Ventrifissura (V. oblonga n. sp. and V. velata n. sp., Thecofilosea, Cercozoa) Shiratori, Takashi, Yabuki, Akinori, Ishida, Ken-Ichiro Protist (2020)
- Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Phylogeny of Two Novel Species of Ventrifissura (V. oblonga n. sp. and V. velata n. sp., Thecofilosea, Cercozoa) Shiratori, Takashi, Yabuki, Akinori, Ishida, Ken-Ichiro Protist (2020)
- Morphology, Ultrastructure, and Phylogeny of Two Novel Species of Ventrifissura (V. oblonga n. sp. and V. velata n. sp., Thecofilosea, Cercozoa) Shiratori, Takashi, Yabuki, Akinori, Ishida, Ken-Ichiro Protist 171 (3) (2020)
- Dinoflagellates with relic endosymbiont nuclei as models for elucidating organellogenesis. Sarai, Chihiro, Tanifuji, Goro, Nakayama, Takuro, Kamikawa, Ryoma, Takahashi, Kazuya, Yazaki, Euki, Matsuo, Eriko, Miyashita, Hideaki, Ken-ichro, Ishida, Iwataki, Mitsunori, Inagaki, Yuji Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 117 (10) 5364 - 5375 (2020)
- Fine Structure Observation of Feeding Behavior, Nephroselmis spp.-derived Chloroplast Enlargement, and Mitotic Processes in the Katablepharid Hatena arenicola Nomura, Mami, Kamikawa, Ryoma, Ishida, Ken-Ichiro Protist 171 (2) (2020)
- Phagocytosis-like cell engulfment by a planctomycete bacterium SHIRATORI, Takashi, SUZUKI, Shigekatsu, KAKIZAWA, Yukako, ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro Nature Communications 10 (1) (2019)
- Taxon-rich Multigene Phylogenetic Analyses Resolve the Phylogenetic Relationship Among Deep-branching Stramenopiles THAKUR, Rabindra, SHIRATORI, Takashi, ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro Protist 170 (5) (2019)
- Barthelonids represent a deep-branching Matamonada clade with mitochondrion-related organelles generating no ATP. Euki, Yazaki, Kume, Keitaro, Takashi, Shiratori, Yana, Edlit, Goro, Tanifuji, Ryo, Harada, Alastair, Simpson, Ken-ichiro, Ishida, Tetsuo, Hashimoto, Inagaki, Yuji bioRχiv (2019)
- Large DNA virus promoted the endosymbiotic evolution to make a photosynthetic eukaryote Matsuo, Mitsuhiro, Katahata, Atsushi, Tchikawa, Makoto, Minakuchi, Yohei, Noguchi, Hideki, Toyoda, Atsushi, Fujiyama, Asao, Suzuki, Yutaka, Hata, Takayuki, Satoh, Soichirou, Nakayama, Takuro, Kamkawa, Ryoma, Nomura, Mami, Inagaki, Yuji, Ishida, Ken-ichiro, Obokata, Junichi bioRχiv (2019)
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