松岡 憲知 / Matsuoka, Norikazu 2024年9月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 生命環境系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Permafrost creep and rock glacier dynamics
中部山岳のフィールドで 多様な環境変動を読み解く
Research to analyze a variety of environmental changes in the field of the Japanese Alps region
観測から解析へ〜北極圏温暖化研 究の次のステージを拓く
From observation to analysis / For the next stage of research on global warming in the Arctic
Permafrost and climate in Europe: Monitoring and modelling thermal, geomorphological and geotechnical responses


論文 / Publication

  1. A multi-method monitoring of timing, magnitude and origin of rockfall activity in the Japanese Alps Matsuoka, Norikazu Geomorphology 336 65 - 76 (2019)
  2. Ice-wedge polygon dynamics in Svalbard: Lessons from a decade of automated multi-sensor monitoring Matsuoka, Norikazu, Christiansen, Hanne H, Watanabe, Tatsuya PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES 29 (3) 210 - 227 (2018)
  3. Interpretation of recent alpine landscape system evolution using geomorphic mapping and L-band InSAR analyses Fumitoshi Imaizumi, Takaki Nishiguchi, Norikazu Matsuoka, Daniel Trappmann, Markus Stoffel 310 125 - 137 (2018)
  4. Frost sorting on slopes by needle ice: A laboratory simulation on the effect of slope gradient Anyuan Li, Norikazu Matsuoka, Fujun Niu 43 (3) 685 - 694 (2018)
  5. Soil Physical and Environmental Conditions Controlling Patterned-Ground Variability at a Continuous Permafrost Site, Svalbard Tatsuya Watanabe, Norikazu Matsuoka, Hanne H. Christiansen, Stefanie Cable 28 (2) 433 - 445 (2017)
  6. Overview of the Special Issue "Rock Weathering from Nanoscale to Global Scale: 2. Macroscopic Weathering and Applied Studies" MATSUOKA, Norikazu, OGUCHI, Chiaki T, FUKUSHI, Keisuke, MATSUSHI, Yuki, YOKOYAMA, Tadashi 地學雜誌 126 (4) 407 - 408 (2017)
  7. 山岳科学の創出―山岳地域の諸問題を分野横断で俯瞰する― 松岡, 憲知, 渡辺, 悌二, 横山, 智 E-journal GEO 12 (1) 147 - 150 (2017)
  8. 特集号「風化─ナノスケールからグローバルスケールまで─ 1. 微視的風化と基礎研究」序説 松岡, 憲知, 小口, 千明, 福士, 圭介, 松四, 雄騎, 横山, 正 地學雜誌 126 (3) 267 - 269 (2017)
  9. Overview of the Special Issue "Rock Weathering from Nanoscale to Global Scale: 1. Microscopic Weathering and Basic Studies" MATSUOKA, Norikazu, OGUCHI, Chiaki T, FUKUSHI, Keisuke, MATSUSHI, Yuki, YOKOYAMA, Tadashi 地學雜誌 126 (3) 263 - 265 (2017)
  10. 岩石の物理的風化-実験・観測・自然現象のリンク- 松岡, 憲知, 藁谷, 哲也, 若狭, 幸 地學雜誌 126 (3) 369 - 405 (2017)

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発行:筑波大学 URA研究戦略推進室・研究推進部