キーワード: 都市計画、地域計画、まちづくり、デザイン、経営
20 世紀の都市計画は、人口増加、経済発展に伴う都市の発展・拡大に対応し、様々な計画技術面での発展をとげてきました。しかし、特に1980 年代半ば以降の世界的な経済社会構造の転換や公共セクターの役割の弱体化等に伴い、都市計画の方法論とその担い手にも構造転換が進行しています。

- 自治体との連携、まちづくりワークショップ開催等、学術指導等(つくば市、土浦市、桜川市、神栖市、他多数)
- 韓国・漢陽大学校及び韓国国土研究院との協働
- ドイツ・ルール大学及び自治体、企業及び市民セクターとの協働による国際ワークショップの開催(ルール大学(ドイツ)、都市再生機構、東京都、横浜市、川崎市、墨田区、不動産会社、鉄道会社等との協働)
- その他国際連携活動(中国、イギリス、ドイツ、カナダ、アメリカ、アフリカ等)
- その他企業等との連携活動(株式会社プレイスメディア、「パッシブタウン黒部モデル(YKK 株式会社)」のランドスケープデザイン等)
Re-establishment of urban and regional management from cross-sectional/international perspectives
Unit members : Yamamoto Sachiko Matsubara, Kosuke Murakami, Akinobu Taniguchi, Mamoru Watanabe, Shun Fujii, Sayaka
Unit name: Urban and Regional Management/Design Research Unit
Key words: urban planning, regional planning, city development, design, management
In the 20th century, a variety of urban planning techniques were developed in response to the advancement and expansion of urban cities due to an increase in the population and economic development. However, since the global economic and social structures changed, and the roles fulfilled by public sectors were reduced, in the late 1980s, in particular, there have been structural changes in methodologies for urban planning and the people involved in it.
To address the issue of the diversification of problems related to urban/regional management, the research unit: “Urban and Regional Management/Design”, aims to develop new methodologies for the management and design of urban cities and communities, focusing on progress in each of the specialized fields, from international perspectives based on the “integration of knowledge from different academic fields”.
In the 21st century, cities in developed countries will become smaller, and those in developing countries are expected to expand.
Japan started to face urban problems due to the declining birth rate combined with the aging of the population earlier than any other developed country. Measures were implemented by Japan to address the new issue – the progressive downsizing of urban cities.
In developing countries, there has been an increase in the number of huge cities called mega cities, and it has become increasingly important to discuss sustainable cities and areas while maintaining a balance between development and conservation, as the economic society becomes more globalized and environmental problems become more serious.
The research unit has invited researchers from German and Korean universities. In addition, members of the unit have opportunities to collaborate with researchers from other countries, including China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and African countries. The unit explores solutions to the above-mentioned global problems through these collaborative activities.
Integration of theories and their implementation through collaborative activities by researchers from different organizations and specialties

International workshops in collaboration with Ruhr University in Germany (held in Germany and Japan)
The research unit consists of specialists from various fields such as land use, transportation planning, landscape, architectural planning, urban history, urban design, urban analysis, streetscape conservation, management of municipalities, housing policy, urban crime, and geography. Members of the unit also actively collaborate with many different companies (including real estate, railway, and construction companies), public organizations (including local governments and public research institutions), and the citizen sector.
It has been pointed out that urban development is implemented by independent individual organizations in each specific field. The research unit promotes the “integration of knowledge obtained from a variety of fields” to address this problem, and discusses new methods for collaboration between theories and their implementation.
Social contributions and achievements
- Collaboration with local governments, workshops for city development, academic advice (Tsukuba City, Tsuchiura City, Sakuragawa City, Kamisu City, and other cities and towns)
- Collaboration with the Hanyang University and the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements in Korea
- International workshops in collaboration with the Ruhr University (Germany), local governments, companies, and citizen sectors (the Ruhr University in Germany, the Urban Renaissance Agency, Tokyo Metropolis, Yokohama City, Kawasaki City, Sumida Ward, real estate companies, and railway companies)
- Other international collaborative activities (China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, America, African countries, etc.)
- Other collaborative activities with companies (PLACEMEDIA, land scape design for “Passive Town Kurobe Model” (YKK Corporation), etc.)
Interviewed on September 7, 2015