他のメンバー : 桑原 純平 川島 英久 石井 宏幸 金澤 研 前島 展也 藤岡 淳 所 裕子 木島 正志 神原 貴樹 松石 清人 日野 健一
他機関 : 福島 大介 小暮 希望 岡野 和史 北澤 正広 梶 弘典 竹谷 純一 尾坂 格 若宮 淳志 小野 新平


- 次世代高輝度有機発光デバイスのミクロ解析と高特性素子開発(2019年)
- 筑波大学リサーチユニット強化事業採択による高機能・高性能な有機無機スピンエレクトロニクスの研究開発拠点形成(2019年)
- 第1回有機無機スピンエレクトロニクス研究会の開催(2020年)
- 大学院生の第4回フロンティア太陽電池セミナー優秀ポスター賞の受賞(2019年)
- 大学院生の筑波大学数理物質科学研究科修士論文発表優秀賞の受賞(2019年、2020年)
Contributing to spread of next-generation device through micro analysis
Unit members : Kuwabara, Junpei Kawashima, Hidehisa Ishii, Hiroyuki Kanazawa, Ken Maeshima, Nobuya Fujioka, Jun Tokoro, Hiroko Kijima, Masashi Kanbara, Takaki Matsuishi, Kiyoto Hino, Ken-ichi
Other agencies : Fukushima, Daisuke Kogure, Nozomi Okano, Masahito Kitazawa, Masahiro Kaji, Hironori Takeya, Junichi Osaka, Itaru Wakamiya, Atsushi Ono, Shimpei
Unit name: Organic-Inorganic Spin Electronics
Key words: Operando spin analysis, Organic-inorganic materials, Organic-inorganic devices, Physical properties, Functions
Organic devices using organic semiconductor materials (such as organic EL display) are attracting attention as a lightweight flexible next-generation device. Measures to reduce the cost and time of research and development have been needed because previously, the technological development of organic-inorganic semiconductors serving as a material and devices thereof could be coped with only by trial and error based on the observation of macro-scale characteristics.
Organic-Inorganic Spin Electronics Research Unit realizes a development base of high-function high-efficiency next-generation devices by interdisciplinary team through micro analysis technology and theoretical calculation including electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, organic-inorganic material synthesis, and macro analysis technology and device preparation.
Toward reduction of the cost of materials and development of organic-inorganic devices using micro analysis technology first in the world

Fig. 1: Concept of base formation for organic-inorganic device development
Our Research Unit proceeds studies by fusing and cooperating with 3 different fields: first, ‘micro analysis technology’ performing micro analysis of organic-inorganic spin electronics/devices, second, ‘material synthesis’ synthesizing materials to prepare devices, and third, ‘macro analysis technology and device preparation’ actually preparing and evaluating a device using information and materials clarified by micro analysis technology.
In previous studies, substance analysis using macro analysis technology, such as conduction, power generation, and light-emitting, which corresponds to the third ‘macro analysis technology and device preparation’, and studies on device structures and device preparation technology based on these were mainly performed, so that although the behavior of macroscopic organic-inorganic spin electronics and devices could be clarified, development by grope in the dark was forced to be used to investigate microscopic behavior.
The micro analysis technology developed by our Research Unit first in the world enabled more strategic device development, suppressed the research and development cost, and increased the speed of development, so that efficient mass production, weight saving, and price reduction of devices using organic-inorganic spin electronics, such as organic transistors, organic solar cells, and organic LEDs, are expected.
Creation of synergistic effect for both companies and students through the industry-academia collaboration team

Exchange between outside researcher and student through research
Studies performed by our Research Unit aim at deepening analysis of organic-inorganic materials and their devices utilizing molecular/atomic-level micro analysis technology employing operando spin analysis and theoretical analysis.
Collaboration with companies in progressing studies directly acts on improvement of performance of existing products and product development and this is a value of our Research Unit. In the future, we want to innovate technology directly connected to people’s lives and markets, such as development of a solar cell attachable to walls and blinds and the use of a display with a resolution higher than that of liquid crystal.
In addition, progressing studies in cooperation with the leading persons of 3 different fields: theoretical, experimental, and material fields (including corporate researchers) contributes to student education. For example, since micro analysis technology in which students also take part is not performed at other research institutions, opinions are asked by other members of the Research Unit in many scenes. ‘Instructing’ institutions, researchers of device manufacturers, and professors of other universities active in the front lines seems to be very a valuable experience for students.
We are planning to promote research through the synergistic effect on both companies and students and bring actual benefits to society through the activities of our Research Unit as described above.
Social contributions and achievements
- Micro analysis of next-generation high-brightness organic light-emitting devices and development of high-performance devices (2019)
- Formation of research and development base of high-function, high-performance organic-inorganic spin electronics adopted for University of Tsukuba Research Unit Strengthening Project (2019)
- Holding of the first Organic-Inorganic Spin Electronics Study Meeting (2020)
- Winning of the excellent poster award at the 4th Frontier Solar Cell Seminar by a graduate student (2019)
- Winning of the award for excellent presentation of a master’s thesis by graduate students of Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba (2019, 2020)
Interviewed on January 29, 2020