キーワード: メンタルヘルス、宇宙のストレス、教員のストレス

過酷な宇宙環境下で人が暮らすための研究はこれまでほとんど行われていませんでした。しかし、テクノロジーの進化で誰でも宇宙に行ける時代は目前といえます。火星を探索するために月からロケットを打ち上げる「Moon to Mars」計画も進み、宇宙産業が拡大する中で、宇宙で働く人々も私たちと同じ一労働者として捉え、閉鎖空間で人はどのようなストレスにさらされるのか、それを回避する方法は何かを明らかにするのがこの研究の大きな目的です。
国際宇宙ステーションを模した閉鎖空間内で約2週間にわたって生活するクルーの脳の酸素濃度をNIRS(Near Infrared Spectroscopy)という機器で測定するほか、血液循環機能、平衡機能や睡眠の変化など、多角的な観点から実験結果の分析を行いました。宇宙空間では筋骨格系の維持のために運動が欠かせません。さらに私たちの研究の結果から、15分のジョギング程度の運動を行うだけでも脳の賦活化と心理的ストレスの低減に繋がることが明らかになりました。
- 国際宇宙ステーションを模した閉鎖空間における心理的ストレスの測定・分析(2015年~2020年)
- 教員勤務実態調査における職業性ストレスの測定・分析(2016年~)
Quantifying Stress under Extreme Environments to Create Healthy and Inclusive Working Environments
Unit members : Sasahara, Shinichiro Oi, Yuichi Doki, Shotaro Hori, Daisuke
Unit name: Social inclusion research unit
Keywords: Social inclusion, Social firm, Rehabilitation of depressive disease, Social withdrawal, Safety promotion
“Social inclusion” is the concept of helping all people overcome social isolation, exclusion or other harsh situations, aiming to realize a healthy and cultural life. This term is widely used to describe the inclusion of socially vulnerable people, such as children, people with disabilities, and the poor/ people facing poverty/economically challenged people/economically disadvantaged people, in society.
The Social Inclusion Research Unit conducts studies, involving people working in space and elementary and junior high school teachers, to clarify the causes of stress based on the results of stress measurements, and contribute to the creation of working environments where people can work while maintaining their mental and physical health.
Measuring brain stress in a closed space simulating the International Space Station
Until now, little research has been done to devise methods to live in the harsh space environment. However, with the evolution of technology, an era when everyone can go to space will soon be arriving. As the <Moon-to-Mars Project> to launch a Mars probe from the Moon is proceeding, and the space industry is expanding, the main purpose of this research is to clarify the type of stress people are exposed to in a closed space and methods to reduce it, defining each person working in space as a worker like us/ everyone else (on earth).

Figure 1: A photograph of an NIRS device attached
In addition to measuring the oxygen concentration in the brain of crew members who lived in a closed space simulating the International Space Station for about two weeks, using a method called near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), we analyzed the results of this experiment from various perspectives, including changes in blood circulation, balance function, and sleep. In space, exercise is essential for the maintenance of the musculoskeletal system. Our study results also clarified that even about 15 minutes of jogging or similar exercise activates the brain and reduces psychological stress.
We have applied to participate in a 200-day closed experiment, which will start in Russia from the fall of 2020. If we pass the examination, we will be able to obtain new data using NIRS, and further deepen our research. Findings from this study may make it feasible to open a theme park in space. They may even allow the general public to work in space.
Contributing to the creation of stressless working environments by analyzing data from a survey on teachers’ working conditions
We began to participate in a survey on the working conditions of public elementary/junior high school teachers, entrusted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (teacher working conditions survey), from Period 3. With our participation, occupational stress was added for the first time to the items examined in this survey involving public elementary/junior high school teachers under a harsh working environment.
According to the teacher working conditions survey in 2016, the last period, a large number of teachers work much more than 80 extra hours a month (4 hours each weekday and 2-3 hours each Saturday and Sunday), which is the criterion of death due to overwork (“karoshi”). Thus, teachers are routinely working long hours, and, consequently, no less than 5,000 elementary and junior high school teachers take temporary leave from their jobs annually. Our stress check revealed that 40% of public elementary and junior high school teachers experience sleeplessness associated with a long commute. It also clarified the statuses/causes of stress and depression.
As a basis for employing and assigning instructors for club activities and lecturers exclusively for class sessions, these data have also been reported to the Central Council for Education in charge of reviewing national education systems. The recently revised guidelines instruct teachers not to work more than 45 extra hours a month, a total of 365 hours a year, possibly based on the results of the teacher working conditions survey that has been conducted over 3 periods.
In the next period of the teacher working conditions survey, we will adopt new perspectives to identify teachers’ health problems that have yet to be clarified and associated factors, and proceed with our studies to create environments, where all teachers can display their abilities and skills.
Social contributions and achievements
Psychological stress measurement and analysis in a closed space simulating the International Space Station (2015-2020)
Occupational stress measurement and analysis as part of the teacher working conditions survey (from 2016 onward)
Interviewed on Feb., 5, 2020