キーワード: 細菌、ウイルス、寄生虫、生体防御、医薬品開発

赤:微小管、 緑:ウイルスゲノム

赤と緑:ウイルス感染細胞 青:細胞核
- 感染における宿主応答の基本原理の解明
- 感染体増殖の分子機構の解明
- 感染症撲滅を目指した創薬研究
- 感染症研究における、広い視野を持つ人材の育成
Elucidate the phenomena of infection at the molecular level
Unit members : Ho, Kiong Nagata, Kyosuke Kato Kosuke Morikawa, Kazuya Ohniwa, Ryosuke Takeuchi, Kaoru 奥脇 暢 斎藤 慎二 村野 健作
Unit name: Infection Biology
Keywords: bacteria, virus, parasite, biological defense, drug development
Humans have fought infection since ancient times. However, about 15% of people die of infections around the world. How bacteria and viruses cause infections remains unclear. Our research unit “Infection Biology” aims to facilitate understanding of the phenomena of infection for its control.
Understand the interaction between infectious agents and hosts
Infections are caused by bacteria and viruses that enter the human body. Although both infectious agents and hosts are indispensable for infections, the former has been more intensively investigated. On the other hand, we have investigated both subjects, because elucidating the interactions between them at a molecular level is critical for understanding the phenomena of infection. We will introduce three of our research themes.
Infection, an old and new research area.

Figure 1: Transport of the viral genome, replicated in the cell nucleus, by microtubules Red: microtubules, Green: viral genome
Influenza viruses spread every year all over the world. However, the mechanisms of how their viral genome replicate in the nuclei and transport out of the cells remain unclear. We have identified several host proteins required for viral genome replication and demonstrated that cytoskeletons called microtubules were critical for their transport (Figures 1 and 2).
Staphylococcus aureus infects nasal cavities, with a prevalence rate of about 20%. It is pathogenic bacteria, which evolve into a multi-drug resistant strain by incorporating virulence and drug resistance genes from the outside. We are investigating how Staphylococcus aureus adapts itself to the environment of the human body or incorporates virulence and drug resistance genes from the outside.
Trypanosome is a parasite that infects humans through blood-sucking insects, such as mosquitoes, and causes infectious diseases such as African sleeping sickness. Unlike the messenger RNAs of humans, those of trypanosome undergo multiple methylation modifications. We will reveal their specific modification mechanisms to develop anti-infective agents.
Thus, in spite of the long history of the battle against infection, the basic mechanisms of infection remain unclear. University researchers should elucidate the basic mechanisms of life phenomena. Elucidating the mechanisms of host defense and viral proliferation should lead to the development of novel therapies against infection.

Figure 2: Budding of fibrous viral particles from a cell Red and green: virus-infected cells, Blue: cell nucleus
Social contributions and achievements
- Elucidation of the basic principles of host response to infection
- Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of viral proliferation
- Drug discovery to eradicate infectious diseases
- Development of human resources for infection research in various fields
Interviewed on June 5, 2014