キーワード: 地域資源、地産地消、食料、エネルギー、バイオマス


- 単行本「おうちで作る生ライスミルクのカフェレシピ」(宝島社)監修:北村 豊
- ムック「太らない体をつくる! スーパーミルク健康法 ─ライスミルク・アーモンドミル・ココナッツミルク」(小学館)監修:北村 豊
- 茨城県稲敷市、TWM マネジメント、常陽銀行の3者と地域創生に向けた事業推進における産官学で、ライスミルクの商品化の連携協定を締結
- テレビ(NHK、フジテレビ、日本テレビ、テレビ東京など)やラジオ(J-WAVE など)に多数出演
For the maintenance of sustainable environments
Unit members : Yoshida, Shigeki OBATAYA, EIICHI Noguchi, Ryozo Yang, Yingnan
Unit name: Research Unit for Local Resource Development Technology
Key words: local resources, local-production-for-local-consumption, food, energy, biomass
Japan is increasingly expected to shift to a low-energy society. We have various potential resources, including agricultural and food products, biomass resources, and natural energy, in our communities. The research unit aims to develop technologies for the sustainable and advanced utilization of these potential resources, and establish the “local-production-for-local-consumption system for the 21st century”. Production/consumption activities in a community is based on self-sufficiency, which is also referred to as the “senary industry”, to save energy required for the distribution of products.
Success in the commercialization of pudding using rice
A model of the goals for the research unit is “pudding using rice”, a result of collaborative research conducted by a food manufacturer and Professor Kitamura two years ago (Figure 1). Fewer people are allergic to rice than to eggs, milk, and flour, and processed foods using rice flour have been receiving attention as alternative food for these allergens in recent years. However, since rice cannot be processed into a smooth liquid state, the university and company implemented the whole process of R&D, including the development of processing equipment, trial food products using rice milk, and packaging methods. Among many trial products, pudding is particularly good with the unique chewy texture of rice. It is delicious and can be stored for a long period of time at room temperature, and you can enjoy the chewy texture each time you reheat it. The mass media also covered it as a “food product developed by a university”.

Figure 1: Rice milk and pudding using rice
Development of local resources in Tokushima Prefecture and Jilin Province, China

Figure 2: A scene of a meeting between the University of Tokushima and the Tokushima Prefectural Government
Another model is the development implemented by members of the research unit in Tokushima Prefecture and Jilin Province, China.
A large-scale joint study was conducted in Tokushima, in collaboration with local companies and prefectural/national agricultural experimental stations, as a research model or a composite research activity, to cultivate raw materials for traditional Chinese medicine or crude drugs and process them into health food to promote agriculture in hilly and mountainous areas (Figure 2). The key to this project is the installation of solar panels to create shaded areas to facilitate the cultivation of crude drugs while generating energy, and this is a result of a multifaceted approach through interaction among researchers from different fields.
Professors Kitamura and Yang conduct collaborative research in Jilin Province, China, for the optimization of agricultural production and the sales of value-added products, and there is participation by a university and other public organizations and private companies in Jilin Province. Cross-sectional ideas developed by specialists from different fields are the key to the success of general development while taking into consideration the effective utilization of agricultural waste and by-products (e.g., biomass power generation).
Although the research unit as a whole has not yet initiated research, we hope that researchers from different fields, as those in these models, will establish the “local-production-for-local-consumption system for the 21st century”.
Social contributions and achievements
- Publication of “Recipe for Café-style Raw Rice Milk Made at Home” (Takarajimasha, Inc.) edited by Yutaka Kitamura
- Publication of “Mook: Super milk health management method to stay thin – Rice milk/Almond milk/Coconut milk” (Shogakukan, Inc.) edited by Yutaka Kitamura
- Execution of a cooperative agreement on the commercialization of rice milk to promote an industry-government-academia project for community development in collaboration with Inashiki City, Ibaraki Prefecture, TWM management, and Joyo Bank.
- TV (NHK, Fuji Television, Nippon Television, TV Tokyo, etc.) and radio (including J-WAVE) appearances
Interviewed on August 7, 2015