High Impact Papers
High Impact Papers
COTREでは、TOP1%の雑誌に掲載された論文、被引用数がTOP1%に入る論文をHigh Impact Papersと名づけています。このコーナーでは、筑波大学研究者が発表したHigh Impact Papersを紹介しています。
Here in COTRE, we define a High Impact Paper as a paper published in Top 1% Journals (decided by the journal ranking) and/or a paper whose number of citations ranked within top 1% in the world.
This section showcases High Impact Papers published by researchers affiliated to the University of Tsukuba.
筑波大学のHigh Impact Papersを見る/View High Impact Papers
カテゴリー: High Impact Papers
- Evidence for charge-trapping inducing polymorphic structural-phase transition in pentaceneEngineering High Impact Papers Materials Science
- Hybrid input–output table method for socioeconomic and environmental assessment of a wind power generation systemEnergy Engineering High Impact Papers
- Improving acidogenic performance in anaerobic degradation of solid organic waste using a rotational drum fermentation systemChemical Engineering Energy Environmental Science High Impact Papers
- Lung adenocarcinoma cells floating in lymphatic vessels resist anoikis by expressing phosphorylated SrcHigh Impact Papers Medicine
- Overexpression of GATA-3 protects against the development of hypersensitivity pneumonitisHigh Impact Papers Medicine
- Zigzag-Elongated Fused π-Electronic Core: A Molecular Design Strategy to Maximize Charge-Carrier MobilityBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering Engineering High Impact Papers
- Hydrothermal carbonization of anaerobic granular sludge: Effect of process temperature on nutrients availability and energy gain from produced hydrocharEnergy Engineering High Impact Papers
- Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction by a Ni(II) Complex Having Pyridine Pendants through Capturing a Mg2+ Ion as a Lewis-Acid CocatalystBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering High Impact Papers
- Comparison of performance of the 2016 ACR-EULAR classification criteria for primary Sjögren's syndrome with other sets of criteria in Japanese patientsBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology High Impact Papers Immunology and Microbiology Medicine
- Acetate favors more phosphorus accumulation into aerobic granular sludge than propionate during the treatment of synthetic fermentation liquorChemical Engineering Energy Environmental Science High Impact Papers
- Direct Observation on Spin-Coating Process of PS-b-P2VP Thin FilmsChemistry High Impact Papers Materials Science
- Sarcopenia as a Risk Factor for Cognitive Deterioration in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A 1-Year Prospective StudyHigh Impact Papers Medicine Nursing
- Troglitazone ameliorates insulin resistance in patients with Werner's syndromeBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology High Impact Papers
- Suppression of collagen-induced arthritis by oral administration of transgenic rice seeds expressing altered peptide ligands of type II collagenAgricultural and Biological Sciences Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology High Impact Papers
- Characterization of a soybean oil-based biosurfactant and evaluation of its ability to form microbubblesChemical Engineering Energy Environmental Science High Impact Papers
- Liquid crystalline polythiophene bearing phenylnaphthalene side-chainChemistry High Impact Papers Materials Science
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