キーワード: 神経活動、神経回路、脳機能、運動機能


- 2013 年 文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞
- 2010 年 日本神経科学学会 奨励賞
- 2008 年 日本神経回路学会 論文賞
When thinking “I found it!” or “This is it!”, you have a chance to improve your brain function!
Unit name: Neurophysiology
neural activity, neural circuit, brain function, motor function
Have you ever thought about ways to become smarter? In your brain, neural circuits for information exchange between brain areas are the most important for this. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that enhances or weakens connections in neural circuits. Such function is closely related to the maintenance of our mental function. The Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Group, one of 4 groups that form the Neurophysiology Research Unit has performed research focusing on dopamine, and this group receives remarkable attention from Japan and other countries.
The possibility of the involvement of dopamine in cognitive function
Previous studies have shown that dopamine released from dopamine neurons is involved in motivation and reward. In addition, abnormalities in the dopamine neuron system have been reported to be involved in Parkinson’s disease, ADHD, and schizophrenia. Patients with these disorders associate with motivational impairment. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, not only motivational impairment but also cognitive and motor impairments are observed. Previous studies on dopamine can explain how motivational impairment occurs. However, why do cognitive and motor impairments also occur in patients with Parkinson’s disease? Thus, our group has studied the role of dopamine in cognitive function.
Dopamine neuron activity differing from that previously reported

Fig. 1: The visual search task given to monkeys
Our group gave various cognitive behavioral tasks to primates, whose brain structure is relatively close to that of humans, and investigated neuron activity during visual search tasks. After the amount of a reward (apple juice) was shown on a monitor, a certain line segment was shown to monkeys for memorization. After a certain time-lag, many different line segments were shown, and monkeys were instructed to locate the memorized line segment (Fig. 1). Our group found that the activity of dopamine neurons was increased when monkeys memorized the line segment as well as when found the correct line segment (“This is it!”). However, the dopamine neuron activity was not increased even when the correct answer was found under more straightforward search conditions such as finding a triangle (D) among many circles (○). These results suggest the involvement of dopamine neuron in the transmission of certain signals associated with memory and visual search.
Dopamine neural cells showing such activity were observed in a part of the brain area called the substantia nigra pars compacta. This suggests the presence of a dopamine neuron group that transmits signals related to cognitive function in addition to previously reported dopamine neurons that transmit signals related to motivation and reward (Fig. 2). Our group hypothesizes that the dopamine neuron also transmits certain signals related to cognitive function. In the future, if dopamine neuron activity is evaluated during increased cognitive function, we intend to perform studies in which the dopamine neuron activity is reduced or increased during increased cognitive function, and changes in cognitive function are evaluated.

Fig. 2: Two different dopamine signals
Social contributions and achievements
- 2013, The Young Scientists’ Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
- 2010, Young Investigator Award, The Japan Neuroscience Society
- 2008, Original Paper Award, The Japanese Neural Network Society
Interviewed on May 14, 2015