
左)1977 年9 月23 日撮影、右)2011 年10 月4 日撮影

図2:東日本大震災復興計画への参画 左上)震災前の航空写真
左下)震災後の航空写真 右)CG で再現された集落


● 常総市、牛久市などの緑地空間整備等に関する委員会委員
● 茨城県環境影響評価審査会委員
●「 つくば市きれいなまちづくり第3次行動計画」策定委員
For the maintenance of sustainable environments
Unit name: Ecosystem Services Studies
Keywords: ecological services, assessment of ecological risks, assessment of environmental influences, environmental designs, environmental management
Humans are significantly benefiting (or receiving ecological services) from the natural environment surrounding them. The research unit proposes the development of a world in which people live in harmony with nature and ecological services are maintained.
To correctly understand environments

Figure 1: Aerial photographs of high moor areas in Kushiro Marsh taken by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Left) Taken on September 23, 1977 Right) Taken on October 4, 2011
Professor Yoshino, the unit representative, conducts research to assess environmental changes. In his survey, the professor takes aerial photographs of the vegetation in Kushiro Marsh, compares the photos with those taken in the past, and examines changes in vegetation communities classified into 44 types (Figure 1). This survey is conducted to assess the influences of the construction of banks.
Associate Professor Akinobu Murakami is a researcher who designs interactions between humans and environments, utilizing simulations. His research involves the reproduction of settlements damaged by tsunami in the Great East Japan Earthquake using CG, and holds discussions with community residents to examine “the interaction between nature and them in daily life” (Figure 2). The research aims to reflect “the interaction between nature and people that had continued until the earthquake” in the development of new communities.

Figure 2: Participation in the plan for recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Upper left) An aerial photograph taken prior to the earthquake Lower left) An aerial photograph taken following the earthquake Right) A settlement reproduced using CG
Assistant Professor Naoko Kaida conducts research to assess the economic values of environments. In a survey conducted in the Nha Trang Bay Marine Protected Area in Vietnam (Figure 3), tourists were asked: “How much are you willing to pay for the protection measures?”, and many of them were willing to pay an amount higher than the current admission fee. This suggests that the actual economic value of the protected area is higher than what it is believed to be.
The members of joint seminars share approaches to the “understanding of environments”, “plans for the use of environments”, and “understanding of the economic values of environments” from different perspectives and their awareness of issues to examine sustainable coexistence between humans and nature, and propose their ideas as policies.

Figure 3: Left) A scene of Hon Mun in the Nha Trang Protected Area Center) A sign with limits on fishery written on it in the protected area Right) Islanders weaving a curtain using seashells for souvenirs to compensate for incomes obtained from fishery
Interaction between people and the environment in any place inhabited by them

Figure 4: Members of the “Ecosystem Services Studies” research unit. Associate Professor Murakami, Professor Yoshino, Professor Kaida (from left to right)
In all areas inhabited by people, interaction between the environment and them occurs. In other words, every place in which people live has environmental problems and issues. The research subject of the unit is related to anyone anywhere, regardless of country or race.
Social contributions and achievements
– A member of the committee on the development of green spInterviewed on July 24, 2015ace in Joso City and Ushiku City
– A member of the committee for the assessment of environmental effects in Ibaraki Prefecture
– A member of the committee for the “3rd action plan for the development of beautiful Tsukuba City”
Interviewed on July 24, 2015