キーワード: 肝再生、肝硬変、血小板、TPO、劇症肝炎

図1:肝再生する血小板について(日本医科大学 鈴木英紀先生よりご提供)
血小板には増殖因子や生理活性物質が多く含まれ、臨床で濃厚血小板血漿(platelet rich plasma,PRP)を用いた再生治療がすでに行われています。私たちの研究でも、血小板が肝切除直後に肝臓に集積し,一部の血小板が肝細胞と直接接触することが電子顕微鏡と生体顕微鏡にて確認されたことから,血小板に含まれる成長因子である幹細胞増殖因子(HGF)、インシュリン様増殖因子(IGF-1)が肝細胞に直接作用して DNA合成を促進すると考えています。

Demonstrating the positive role of platelets in liver transplantation
Other agencies : Tateno Hiroaki
Unit name: New therapy for liver diseases by platelets
Keywords: Liver regeneration, Liver cirrhosis, Platelets, TPO, Fulminant hepatitis
Platelets are something like bags containing physiological active substances, cytokines and growth factors. It has been frequently reported that platelets aggravate hepatic damage in transplantation because hepatitis occurs after cytokines enclosed in platelets are released.
The research unit, New therapy for liver diseases by platelets, is advancing research focusing on ‘platelet action in liver transplantation’ based on already clarified results of studies on the promotion of liver regeneration and prevention of fibrosis. The main objective of the research is to demonstrate the platelet action inhibiting hepatitis after transplant operations and analyze the mechanism to make use of it for treatment.
Investigation of the role of platelets in liver transplantation

Fig. 1:Platelets regenerating the liver (provided by Dr. Hideki Suzuki, Nippon Medical School)
In liver transplantation, platelets appear to induce liver disorder (ischemia-reperfusion injury) by releasing physiological active substances, cytokines, to re-perfuse the transplanted liver, but it can be considered that platelets rather inhibit reperfusion-induced liver disorder because inflammation is a healing process.
Platelets contain many growth factors and physiological active substances, and regenerative treatment using platelet rich plasma (PRP) is already performed in clinical practice. Our study also confirmed by electron microscopy and biomicroscopy that platelets accumulate in the liver immediately after hepatectomy and a part of platelets directly contact hepatocytes, suggesting that stem cell growth factor (HGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) contained in platelets directly act on hepatocytes and promote DNA synthesis.
It has been demonstrated that platelets promote liver regeneration in normal hepatectomy, as described above, but there is still controversy about liver regeneration and liver injury during reperfusion after liver transplantation among experts and demonstration of the mechanisms of platelet-induced regeneration of transplanted liver and liver injury in transplantation is an important research subject at present.
Increasing the number of lives that can be saved through the early recovery of recipients after surgery and an increase in donors

Fig. 2: Mechanism of hepatitis inhibition by platelets
Since clinical data showing inferior postoperative rising after liver transplantation have been acquired in patients with a low platelet count, hypothesizing that postoperative rising is improved by increasing platelets, we have been coping with elucidation of the mechanisms of the liver regeneration-promoting and liver injury-inhibiting actions of platelets in transplantation.
We performed a partial liver transplantation experiment using rats in which 30% of the whole liver was transplanted. Rats with a blood platelet count elevated using thrombopoietin preparation about 1 week before liver transplantation and rats with a normal platelet count were prepared and the regeneration of the transplanted liver was compared. In the rats with increased platelets, the levels of liver regeneration-promoting cytokines, such as TNF-alfa and IL-6, were high, showing that regeneration of the transplanted liver was promoted.
On the other hand, the levels of enzymes causing ischemia-reperfusion injury and cytokines tended to be low in the rats with a high platelet count. When observed under a special fluorescence microscope, platelets gathered in the transplanted liver one after another and it was also demonstrated that Kupffer cells inhabiting the liver have this platelet-accumulating action. Kupffer cells cause liver disorder, but we consider that growth factors released by accumulated platelets inhibit Kupffer cell-induced liver disorder.
If our study clarifies the liver regeneration-promoting and liver injury-inhibiting actions of platelets in transplantation, persons with difficulty in donating a part of their liver due to fatty liver and persons who can donate only a small part of the liver due to a difference in the body size from that of the recipient can become donors and if platelets can be increased before surgery, the possibility of safer hepatectomy/transplantation may increase. Our study may have the potential to save more lives by safer hepatectomy/transplantation corresponding to transplantation and regenerative medicine which will develop in the future.
Social contributions and achievements
Development of a novel liver disease treatment method using platelets
Paper publication: ‘Improvement of the rate of platelet-induced engraftment after liver transplantation and systematic elucidation of its mechanism’ (2017-2018)
Paper publication: ‘Exploratory research on improvement of the rate of platelet-induced engraftment after partial liver transplantation’ (2017-2018)
Development of human resources having global perspective of transplant medicine
Interviewed on Feb., 6, 2020