Physics and Astronomy
カテゴリー: Physics and Astronomy
- The ATLAS Simulation InfrastructureEngineering High Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
- First proton-proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector: Measurement of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at √s = 900 GeVEngineering High Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
- In vivo high-contrast imaging of deep posterior eye by 1-μm swept source optical coherence tomography and scattering optical coherence angiographyHigh Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
- Phase tomography by X-ray talbot interferometry for biological imagingEngineering High Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
- Three-dimensional and high-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography for in vivo investigation of human anterior eye segmentsHigh Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
- Blue light-emitting diode based on ZnOEngineering High Impact Papers Physical Sciences Physics and Astronomy
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