
[日付で絞り込み]  年: 月: 
Secure and efficient data transmission in RFID sensor networksComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
First proton-proton collisions at the LHC as observed with the ALICE detector: Measurement of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at √s = 900 GeVEngineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  Physics and Astronomy  
Inefficient noncooperation in networking games of common-pool resourcesComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Future trust management framework for mobile ad hoc networksComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
A mixed optimum in symmetric distributed computer systemsComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Phase tomography by X-ray talbot interferometry for biological imagingEngineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  Physics and Astronomy  
Cross-layer-based modeling for quality of service guarantees in mobile wireless networksComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Mobility support for IP-based networksComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Fabrication and characterization of Photonic Crystal-based Symmetric Mach-Zehnder (PC-SMZ) structures based on GaAs membrane slab waveguidesComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Low propagation losses in single-line-defect photonic crystal waveguides on GaAs membranesComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Blue light-emitting diode based on ZnOEngineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  Physics and Astronomy  
Perceptual QoS assessment technologies for VoIPComputer Science  Engineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
Human supervision and control in engineering and music: Similarities, dissimilarities and their implicationsEngineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  
GaInNAs: A novel material for long-wavelength semiconductor lasersEngineering  High Impact Papers  Physical Sciences  Physics and Astronomy