科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
科研費支援メニューInformation for Winning Kakenhi
Information for Winning Kakenhi
Dear U. Tsukuba Researchers!
This page provides you with Kakenhi-related information in our university. Information edited by University Research Administration/Management Office is found in the page.
Listed below (automatically) are all the pages in “Kakenhi” category within COTRE, all of which are internal.
Please let us know (email: ura_tsukuba at un.tsukuba.ac.jp) if you know some information that is missing but should appear here.
カテゴリー: 科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
- 8/4 KAKENHI Seminar for Non-Japanese Researchers (Only for U. Tsukuba researchers)Support Office (更新日:2017-07-19)科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
- 【2017年版】科研費改革2018 対策集(学内限定)Support Office 科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 科研費関連手続き
- 【資料・動画公開】7/24:科研費獲得支援イベント『科研費改革2018説明会』Support Office (更新日:2017-06-09)科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)
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