
【公募】国際共同研究マッチング・シードファンド トップレベル国際ネットワーキング構築支援プログラム-2024年度 Call for Proposals Top-level International Network Development Support Program








Ⅰ. 海外研究機関のトップレベルの研究チームとの国際ネットワーク構築のための支援プログラム(予算総額 600万円)
  Ⅰ-Ⅰ. 海外渡航による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム:上限100万/件
  Ⅰ-Ⅱ. 国際シンポジウム・セミナー開催による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム:上限100万/件

Ⅱ. 筑波大学・DAAD二国間研究協力プログラム(予算総額 300万円)






Ⅰ. 海外研究機関のトップレベルの研究チームとの国際ネットワーク構築のための支援プログラム 

  応募締切: 2024年10月7日(月)

Ⅱ. 筑波大学・DAAD二国間研究協力プログラム 

  応募締切: 2024年9月20日(金) 







Ⅰ. 海外研究機関のトップレベルの研究チームとの国際ネットワーク構築のためのプログラム




Ⅰ-Ⅰ. 海外渡航による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム

Ⅰ-Ⅱ. 国際シンポジウム・セミナー開催による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム


Ⅱ. 筑波大学・DAAD二国間研究協力プログラム 


・(様式 3)令和 7 年度筑波大学・DAAD パートナーシップ・プログラム 申請書
・(様式 4)Comprehensive Project Description(日独共通フォーマット、英語で作成)
・筑波大学側申請者の過去 5 年間のプロジェクト関連論文のリスト(英語で作成、4 ページ以内)
・ドイツ側のプロジェクトリーダーの研究プロフィール/CV(英語で作成、3 ページ以内)
・ドイツ側協力者の過去 5 年間のプロジェクト関連論文のリスト(英語で作成、4 ページ以内)


・Comprehensive project description, available for download here
・Academic profile / CV of the German project leader (up to three pages)
・Academic profile / CV of the foreign partner institution
・Project-relevant list of publications by the German partner institutions in the last five years (up to four pages)
・Project-relevant list of publications by the foreign partner institution in the last five years (up to four pages)
・Brief CVs of further confirmed project participants at the time of application, if applicable (up to three pages)

「Application Guidelines and Required Documents」をご確認ください。
https://www.daad.org/en/ppp/ → 「Application Guidelines and Required Documents」



申請書(様式1, 様式2, 様式3)



〈申請書 様式〉

Ⅰ-Ⅰ. 海外渡航による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム(様式1)

Ⅰ-Ⅱ. 国際シンポジウム・セミナー開催による国際ネットワーク創出・加速プログラム(様式2)

Ⅱ. 筑波大学・DAAD二国間研究協力プログラム(様式3・様式4)





連絡先:global_ra[at] un.tsukuba.ac.jp  ※ [at] を半角@に変更してメール送信ください。


Call for Proposals Top-level International Network Development Support Program

The University of Tsukuba implements the programs I-I and I-II below to encourage publications of high-quality research results as international co-authored papers, successful acquisition of domestic and international grants, and fostering of early-career researchers by creating or accelerating international networks with top-level research teams※ from the Campus-in-Campus (CiC) partner universities and overseas research institutions.


* The representative of a collaborating top-level international research team must be a researcher who has achieved internationally outstanding research results according to the characteristics of their field and disseminated them widely. The following are examples of such a researcher:


・A researcher affiliated with a research institution recognized worldwide
・A researcher who has published in influential academic journals or presented at prestigious international   

・A researcher who has taken leadership or major roles in large-scale international collaborative research projects.
・A researcher who has taken leading roles in international academic societies or organizations.
・A researcher who has authored excellent academic books and other materials evaluated internationally



Ⅰ. Support Program for International Network Development with Top-level Overseas Research Teams

  October 7th, 2024 

Ⅱ. The University of Tsukuba – DAAD Partnership Program

  September 20th, 2024 

※Attention to the German collaborators: The submission deadline for the German side is set for Tuesday,  September 10, 2024. Please be mindful of this date.

The German side’s call for proposals website:https://www.daad.org/en/ppp/


How to submit: Applicants can submit through submission system “u-Rad”
User’s guide
Login to u-Rad


Ⅰ.  Support Program for International Network Development with Top-level Overseas Research Teams

Ⅰ-Ⅰ.  International Network Creation & Acceleration Program through Overseas Travel
Ⅰ-Ⅱ.  International Network Creation & Acceleration Program by holding Symposium or Seminar



Ⅱ. The University of Tsukuba – DAAD Partnership Program

This program provides support to establish excellent international higher education research institutions, create sustainable networks, and contribute to the internationalization of higher education research institutions. The support focuses on:

① Helping young researchers gain international research experience and further develop their global skills.

② Strengthening bilateral research relationships, leading to additional collaborative research opportunities.



  • Documents to be submitted by the Principal Investigator in Japan
    ・(Form 3) University of Tsukuba/DAAD Partnership Program Application Form for FY 2025
    ・(Form 4) Comprehensive Project Description (in English, using the common format for Japan and Germany)
    ・Research Profile/CV of the applicant from the University of Tsukuba (in English)
    ・List of project-related publications for the past 5 years of the applicant from the University of Tsukuba (in English, up to 4 pages)
    ・Research Profile/CV of the German collaborator (in English)
    ・List of project-related publications for the past 5 years of the German collaborator (in English, up to 4 pages)


  • Documents to be submitted by the German Principal Investigator
    ・Comprehensive project description, available for download here
    ・Academic profile / CV of the German project leader (up to three pages)
    ・Academic profile / CV of the foreign partner institution
    ・Project-relevant list of publications by the German partner institutions in the last five years (up to four pages)
    ・Project-relevant list of publications by the foreign partner institution in the last five years (up to four pages)
    ・Brief CVs of further confirmed project participants at the time of application, if applicable (up to three pages)

    For documents to be submitted to DAAD, please refer to the website below.
    Application Guidelines and Required Documents” from the website below.



Application Procedures and Application forms 

Application Procedures
Application Forms (From1, Form2, Form3)

Application Forms(Form4)


〈Application Forms〉

Ⅰ-Ⅰ.  International Network Creation & Acceleration Program through Overseas Travel 〔Form1〕
Ⅰ-Ⅱ.  International Network Creation & Acceleration Program by holding Symposium or Seminar 〔Form2〕

Ⅱ. The University of Tsukuba – DAAD Partnership Program 〔Form3, Form4〕






Organization for the Promotion of Strategic Research Initiatives
Research Management office

Email: global_ra[at]un.tsukuba.ac.jp (replace [at] with @)