
7月27日開催「新型コロナ危機における社会の影響と対応」筑波大学-国立台湾大学共同国際シンポジウムSocial Impacts and Responses in the COVID-19 Crisis



日時:   2021年7月27日(火)15時~16時

場所:   Zoom オンライン会議



15:00-15:10 国立台湾大学・筑波大学(副学長・理事)のご挨拶

        国立台湾大学 国際担当副学長 Hsiao-Wei Yuan
        筑波大学 国際担当副学長 BENTON Caroline F.

15:10-15:20 URAより趣旨説明と共同研究促進費の紹介 

15:20-15:50 双方の大学の研究者各2名ずつによる全体講演とディスカッション

        秋山 肇 助教(筑波大学 人文社会系) 
        COVID-19 measures and the Japanese Law

        Tung Hans Hanpu (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU)
        The Political Economy of COVID-19 Responses: From Prevention to Vaccination

                      Chen Sue Huei (Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, NTU)
        Psychological responses and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan

        倉橋 節也 教授(筑波大学 ビジネスサイエンス系)
        The Impact of COVID-19 Infections Considering Risk of Infected People Inflow and the Vaccination Effect

15:50     閉会のご挨拶

       筑波大学 研究担当副学長 和田 洋


16:00-17:00 小グループ(5名程度)での研究ディスカッションー研究連携の可能性を探るー



申込方法: 以下URLから参加登録してください。事前登録制(7月26日(月)12時締切。)


申込先着順(以下参加人数に達し申込を締切ます。) 参加者にのみ別途Zoomアドレスをお送りします。

対象者/参加人数:筑波大学教職員・学生   / 70人(第1部のみ) 申し込み先着順

主催:   筑波大学URA研究戦略推進室/国立台湾大学国際部

 共催:    筑波大学国際局CiC・プラットフォーム事業グループ



Social Impacts and Responses in the COVID-19 Crisis



   In May 2020, 27 research projects that will contribute to solving the problems of the Covid-19 disaster began their activities under the University Wisdom to Fight against the Covid-19 Crisis at the University of Tsukuba. In November 2020, a workshop was held for project members and α participants to meet their colleagues to think about and challenge the Covid-19 crisis together, and this was the starting point for a dialogue that will lead to collaboration among researchers.

   To further expand research collaboration related to the Covid-19 crisis, National Taiwan University, one of the CiC partners, and the University will hold a joint symposium on the social aspects of Covid-19.

Date: July 27th (Tuesday) 15:00-16:00(Japanese time)

Venue: Zoom Online seminar


(Part I) General Session to Open to Public

15:00-15:10   Vice President Greeting

         Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Vice president for International Affairs, National Taiwan University
         Caroline F. BENTON, Vice president for International Affairs, University of Tsukuba

15:10-15:20   Explanation of the Purpose & International Funding Information by URA
15:20-15:50   Keynote Speech

         Akiyama Hajime, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UT
         COVID-19 measures and the Japanese Law

         Hans Hanpu Tung, Department of Political Science, NTU
         The Political Economy of COVID-19 Responses: From Prevention to Vaccination 

                          Chen Sue Huei, Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, NTU
             Psychological responses and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan

         Kurahashi Setsuya, Faculty of Business Sciences, UT
         The Impact of COVID-19 Infections Considering Risk of Infected People Inflow and the Vaccination Effect
15:20-15:50        Closing Statement

                           Hiroshi Wada, Vice president for Research, University of Tsukuba

(Part II) Research Matching Session General Session: closed session

16:00-17:00     Research discussion in small groups (about 5 people) – Exploring the possibility of research collaboration

           Within the group, each researcher will speak for 2 minutes about his/her own research theme and methodology, followed by free discussion.

How to register: Please register from the below URL. Pre-registered required by July 26th Noon.


Number of participants: 70 people maximums

Organizers: University of Tsukuba, Research Administration/Management Office

         National Taiwan University, Office of International Affairs

    Co-Organizer: University of Tsukuba, CiC and Platform group, Bureau of global initiatives


【本件問い合わせ先 / Contact】

URA研究戦略推進室 陳(チェン)・栗原・加藤


E-mail: uketsuke2[at]un.tsukuba.ac.jp