科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)

9/7 KAKENHI Seminar for Non-Japanese Researchers (Only for U. Tsukuba researchers)9/7 外国人対象科研費セミナー(学内専用)

  We (URAs) will hold an English KAKENHI Seminar for Non-Japanese Researchers on September 7, 2018. It will provide basic information of the KAKENHI system, changes in FY2019, and some tips on preparing a successful proposal. If you plan to apply for KAKENHI grants this fall, please come join us.


  • Date: Friday, September 7, 2018

  • Time: 4:00 – 5:00 pm

  • Venue: 1F Auditorium, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS) Building (Access)

    *The parking space is limited. Please consider walking, biking or riding a bus.

  • Program

  1. Basics of KAKENHI and What’s New in FY2019

    Gakuta Toba

    URA, Research Administration/Management Office

  2. Bottom Up – My Experience in the KAKENHI System

    Michael Lazarus

    Associate Professor, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS)

Please register at the registration site.

Please click the image to see the poster





  • 開催日時 : 平成30年9月7日(金) 16時00分~17時00分
  • 実施場所 : 睡眠医科学研究棟 1階 講堂


  • 演題及び講演者
  1. Basics of KAKENHI and What’s New in FY2019(URA研究戦略推進室 鳥羽岳太)
  2. Bottom Up – My Experience in the KAKENHI System(国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 Michael Lazarus 准教授)
事前登録 : 申し込みフォームより申し込みください
