科研費 / Kakenhi (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)

【8/2開催】KAKENHI WRITING SEMINAR for early-stage researchers(京都大学ASHBi)[Event: August 2] KAKENHI WRITING SEMINAR “Telling your research story effectively” (WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto U)


(English announcement follows Japanese)









【日時】 2024年8月2日 (金) 16:00-17:10

【会場】 Zoomオンラインミーティング

【言語】 英語

【講演者】京都大学 ASHBi URA 信田 誠




     登録者の方には、2-3日前を目安にZoom URLをお送りします。




【主催・お問合せ】京都大学 ASHBi Research Acceleration Unit





What Makes an Effective Grant Proposal?


An effective proposal allows reviewers to grasp your research at a glance. To do so, you need to structure your research story to tell your story effectively to the reviewers. You need to know what the reviewers are looking for, and you need to effectively incorporate reviewers’ point of view in your research story to convince the reviewers.


In this seminar, I will be your guide to the world of KAKENHI and its evaluation system. Let’s explore together the path to an “Effective Grant Proposal” through the efficient use of storytelling!


Best for researchers who are applying KAKENHI for the first time or who have had difficulties in the past applications (Japanese researchers are also welcome). If you are planning to apply for KAKENHI this year, make sure to join us!


Date: Friday, August 2, 2023

Time: 16:00-17:10

Venue: Zoom Online Meeting

Language: English

Eligibility: Academic Researchers, staff, graduate students in Japanese Universities/Research Institutions

        (Especially for early-stage foreign researchers)

Registration: https://forms.gle/TR28QbiNofoEMQ5B8

   (Zoom URL will be sent to registered participants 2-3 days prior to the seminar)

   Registration may close if the participant reaches the system upper limit WEB Page: https://ashbi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/events/research-acceleration_240802/?utm_source=0710&utm_medium=oum


Organizer: ASHBi Research Acceleration Unit (WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University)

Contact: ASHBi-acceleration[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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