The URA is a support group for researchers who pursue to activate and develop their research activities. If you have any questions and difficulties that you would like to discuss, please take advantage of URA as a new place to consult!
We provide a wide range of support activities, from individual assistance to improve organizational performance. It is the strength of the University of Tsukuba Research Administration/Management Office.
What kind of career have you passed through so far?
- Making the most of experiences in my previous job and developing as a URA
- After working in research and development for regional industry promotion in the third sector, I worked in the planning and managing industry-university collaboration projects at the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). At that time, I realized that the demands on universities and researchers became increasingly diverse.
When I moved to Tsukuba Science City, URA was still a new job title. Also, I felt that the role, which requires identifying changes surrounding researchers and responding appropriately, was challenging for me, and it had the potential for development.
I liked the atmosphere and scenery of university campuses, so I knew that I wanted to work at a university someday. Therefore, I decided to work as a URA at the University of Tsukuba since I could take advantage of my experience. It was the only way to go, which led me to my current position as a URA.
What are important things/values/significance/ in your work?
- Effective Collaboration with Divisions and Other Organizations
- The University of Tsukuba Research Administration/Management Office addresses the effective collaborations between "Headquarters offices - Department Divisional URA."
In addition, we try to devise and implement the best support for researchers by establishing an "ALL Tsukuba Univ." system that makes the most of inter-organizational collaborations with industrial associations.
In my day-to-day support, I try to deal with issues from a researcher's perspective.
What are your future goals and prospects?
- Multifaceted support that takes into consideration the realities of researchers
- Our goal is to increase the number of students and the general public who think, "Researchers at the University of Tsukuba are cool and fascinated!"
It is also the mission of URA to work with researchers to protect and develop future academia. The University of Tsukuba has an organization called the "Research Strategy Office," which has been composed of successive generations of professors. They engaged in long and deep discussions on various issues surrounding research and academics at the university. By being involved in the management and discussions of this organization, we, URAs, have learned about the real voices of researchers and their current situations and circumstances, which I would like to utilize for my next move as a URA.