矢田 和善 / Yata, Kazuyoshi
数理物質系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Hypothesis tests for high-dimensional covariance structures Ishii, Aki, Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS Epub (2020)
- Hypothesis tests for high-dimensional covariance structures Ishii, Aki, Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS Epub (2020)
- Geometric consistency of principal component scores for high-dimensional mixture models and its application Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS Epub (2019)
- A quadratic classifier for high-dimension, low-sample-size data under the strongly spiked eigenvalue model Ishii, Aki, Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and their Application 131 - 142 (2019)
- Equality tests of high-dimensional covariance matrices under the strongly spiked eigenvalue model Ishii, Aki, Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE 202 99 - 111 (2019)
- Distance-based classifier by data transformation for high-dimension, strongly spiked eigenvalue models Aoshima, Makoto, Yata, Kazuyoshi ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS 71 (3) 473 - 503 (2019)
- Inference on High-Dimensional Mean Vectors under the Strongly Spiked Eigenvalue Model Ishii, Aki, Yata, Kazuyoshi, Aoshima, Makoto Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 2 (1) 105 - 128 (2019)
- Two-sample tests for high-dimension, strongly spiked eigenvalue models Makoto Aoshima, Kazuyoshi Yata 28 (1) 43 - 62 (2018)
- A test of sphericity for high-dimensional data and its application for detection of divergently spiked noise Kazuyoshi Yata, Makoto Aoshima, Yugo Nakayama 37 (3) 397 - 411 (2018)
- Statistical inference for high-dimension, low-sample-size data Aoshima, Makoto, Yata, Kazuyoshi American Mathematical Society, Sugaku Expositions 30 137 - 158 (2017)
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