松浦 浩平 / Matsura, Kohei

数理物質系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Pathwise uniqueness and non-explosion property of Skorohod SDEs with a class of non-Lipschitz coefficients and non-smooth domains Masanori Hino, Kouhei Matsuura, Misaki Yonezawa Journal of Theoretical Probability, 掲載決定 (2020)
  2. Compactness of semigroups of explosive symmetric Markov processes Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
  3. Doubly Feller Property of Brownian Motions with Robin Boundary Condition Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
  4. Lp -spectral independence of Neumann Laplacians on horn-shaped domains Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
  5. An Integrated Version of Varadhan’s Asymptotics for Lower-Order Perturbations of Strong Local Dirichlet Forms Masanori Hino, Kouhei Matsuura 48 (3) 257 - 300 (2018)

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