松浦 浩平 / Matsura, Kohei
数理物質系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Pathwise uniqueness and non-explosion property of Skorohod SDEs with a class of non-Lipschitz coefficients and non-smooth domains Masanori Hino, Kouhei Matsuura, Misaki Yonezawa Journal of Theoretical Probability, 掲載決定 (2020)
- Compactness of semigroups of explosive symmetric Markov processes Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
- Doubly Feller Property of Brownian Motions with Robin Boundary Condition Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
- Lp -spectral independence of Neumann Laplacians on horn-shaped domains Kouhei Matsuura (2019)
- An Integrated Version of Varadhan’s Asymptotics for Lower-Order Perturbations of Strong Local Dirichlet Forms Masanori Hino, Kouhei Matsuura 48 (3) 257 - 300 (2018)
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