齊藤 裕一 / Saito, Yuichi
システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
論文 / Publication
- Effects of a Driver Assistance System with Foresighted Deceleration Control on the Driving Performance of Elderly and Younger Drivers Saito, Yuichi, Yoshimi, Ryoma, Kume, Shinichi, Imai, Masahiro, Yamasaki, Akito, Ito, Takuma, Inoue, Shintaro, Shimizu, Tsukasa, Nagai, Masao, Inoue, Hideo, Raksincharoensak, Pongsathorn Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 77 221 - 235 (2021)
- Comparison of SAGAT and SPAM For Seeking Effective Way to Evaluate Situation Awareness and Workload During Air Traffic Control Task Fujino, Mitsuki, Lee, Jieun, Hirano, Toshiaki, Saito, Yuichi, Itoh, Makoto Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting (2020)
- Effects of Driver Drowsiness on Driving Performance in the Context of Partial Driving Automation Requiring Hands-on-Wheel Saito, Yuichi, Itoh, Makoto, Inagaki, Toshiyuki Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) 1 - 4 (2020)
- Conflicts in Human-Machine Systems as an Intersection of Bio- and Technosphere: Cooperation and Interaction Patterns for Human and Machine Interference and Conflict Resolution Flemisch, Frank O, Pacaux-Lemoine, Marie-Pierre, Vanderhaegen, Frederic, Itoh, Makoto, Saito, Yuichi, Herzberger, Nicolas, Wasser, Joscha, Grislin, Emmanuelle, Baltzer, Marcel Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) 1 - 6 (2020)
- Modeling and Prediction of Pedestrians’ and Cyclists’ Road Crossing Behavior Using Near-Miss Incident Data Kochi, Fuma, Saito, Yuichi, Itoh, Makoto, Fushima, Takesato, Sugano, Takashi, Yamamoto, Yasunori Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 1770 - 1775 (2020)
- Evaluation of Acceptability of Adaptive Proactive Braking Intervention System Based on Risk Map for Elderly Drivers Takuma, Ito, Masatsugu, Soya, Kyoichi, Tohriyama, Yuichi, Saito, Tsukasa, Shimizu, Akito, Yamasaki, Masao, Nagai, Hideo, Inoue, Minoru, Kamata International Journal of Automotive Engineering 11 (2) 40 - 48 (2020)
- 人間と機械の分担率に基づくリスク回避のための協調型操舵支援システム―緩ブレーキ支援と連係する駐車車両回避場面の高齢ドライバ実験的検討― 井上, 慎太郎, 齊藤, 裕一, 山崎, 彬人, 木下, 俊貴, 佐藤, 文哉, 伊藤, 太久磨, 清水, 司, 齋藤, 創, 内田, 信行, 井上, 秀雄, ポンサトーン, ラクシンチャラーンサク 自動車技術会論文集 50 (6) 1646 - 1652 (2019)
- Validation Methodology to Establish Safe Autonomous Driving Algorithms with a High Driver Acceptance Using a Virtual Environment Hideo, Inoue, Mohanad, El-Haji, Thomas, Freudenmann, Haipeng, Zhang, Pongsathorn, Raksincharoensak, Yuichi, Saito Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology towards Zero-Traffic Accident 1 - 6 (2019)
- 高齢ドライバの生活道路での予見的制動介入に対する受容性に関する調査 松實, 良祐, 大屋, 魁, 伊藤, 太久磨, 齊藤, 裕一, 美尾, 昌宏, 橋本, 宣彦, 永井, 正夫, 井上, 秀雄, 鎌田, 実 自動車技術会論文集 50 (3-4) 911 - 917 (2019)
- 自動車運転の安全性と信頼性の向上のためのシェアードコントロール 齊藤, 裕一 信頼性 41 (3-4) 183 - 190 (2019)
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