保國 惠一 / Morikuni, Keiichi

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Kaczmarz-type inner-iteration preconditioned flexible GMRES methods for consistent linear systems Du, Y., Hayami, K., Zheng, N., Morikuni, K., Yin, J.-F. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, accepted (2021)
  2. Multiclass spectral feature scaling method for dimensionality reduction Matsuda, M, Morikuni, K, Imakura, A, Ye, X, Sakurai, T Intelligent Data Analysis 24 (6) 1273 - 1287 (2020)
  3. Verified partial eigenvalue computations using contour integrals for Hermitian generalized eigenproblems Imakura, A, Morikuni, K, Takayasu, A Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (open access), in press 369 (1) (2020)
  4. Online spectral classification for long-term spike sorting Sakamoto, K, Morikuni, K, Sakurai, T, Matsumoto, S, Vogt, K Proceedings of the third International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 2020, accepted (2020)
  5. Implementation of interior-point methods for LP based on Krylov subspace iterative solvers with inner-iteration preconditioning Cui, Y, Morikuni, K, Tsuchiya, T, Hayami, K Computational Optimization and Applications (open access) 74 (1) 143 - 176 (2019)
  6. 対称な特異線形系に対する対称な分離行列を持つ内部反復前処理 保國 惠一 日本応用数理学会論文誌 29 (1) 62 - 77 (2019)
  7. Spectral feature scaling method for supervised dimensionality reduction Matsuda, M., Morikuni, K., Sakurai, T. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-18) 2560 - 2566 (2018)
  8. On GMRES for singular EP and GP systems Morikuni, K, Rozložník, M SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 39 (2) 1033 - 1048 (2018)
  9. 特異線形方程式に対する内部反復前処理 保國 惠一 数理解析研究所講究録 現象解明に向けた数値解析学の新展開II 2037 44 - 51 (2017)
  10. Multistep matrix splitting iteration preconditioning for singular linear systems Morikuni, K Numerical Algorithms 75 (2) 457 - 475 (2017)

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