松原 正樹 / Matsubara, Masaki

図書館情報メディア系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

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論文 / Publication

  1. Effect of Crowd-in-the-loop Alt Text Addition on the Performance of Visually Impaired Workers in Online Microtasks Zhong, Ying, Kobayashi, Makoto, Matsubara, Masaki, Morishima, Atsuyuki ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 22 (3) 251 - 261 (2020)
  2. Effects of Cognitive Consistency in Microtask Design with only Auditory Information Zhong, Ying, Matsubara, Masaki, Kobayashi, Makoto, Morishima, Atsuyuki Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, Applications and Practice. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 12189 466 - 476 (2020)
  3. Collecting and Organizing Citizen Opinions: A Dynamic Microtask Approach and Its Evaluation Matsubara, Masaki, Matsuda, Yuhei, Kuzumi, Ryouhei, Koizum, Masanori, Morishima, Atsuyuki Sustainable Digital Communities. iConference 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 12051 50 - 65 (2020)
  4. Auditory Gestalt Formation for Exploring Dynamic Triggering Earthquakes Matsubara, Masaki, Uchide, Takahiko, Morimoto, Yota In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR2019) 983 - 987 (2019)
  5. 聴覚障害者の音楽認知特性およびトップダウン処理支援による音楽トレーニング 松原, 正樹 情報処理学会研究報告 2019-AAC-10 (2) 1 - 6 (2019)
  6. A Learning Effect by Presenting Machine Prediction as a Reference Answer in Self-correction Matsubara, Masaki, Kobayashi, Masaki, Morishima, Atsuyuki Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) 3521 - 3527 (2018)
  7. Passerby Crowdsourcing: Workers' Behavior and Data Quality Management Iwamoto, Eiichi, Matsubara, Masaki, Ota, Chihiro, Nakamura, Satoshi, Terada, Tsutomu, Kitagawa, Hiroyuki, Morishima, Atsuyuki Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2 (4) (2018)
  8. Computational Detection of Local Cadence on Revised TPS Matsubara, Masaki, Ishiwa, Yuki, Uehara, Yui, Tojo, Satoshi Proceedings of the Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity 2018 (CSMC2018) 79 - 87 (2018)
  9. Skill-and-Stress-Aware Assignment of Crowd-Worker Groups to Task Streams Kumai, Katsumi, Matsubara, Masaki, Shiraishi, Yuhki, Wakatsuki, Daisuke, Zhang, Jianwei, Takeaki, Shionome, Kitagawa, Hiroyuki, Morishima, Atsuyuki The 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2018) 88 - 97 (2018)
  10. An Empirical Study on Short- and Long-term Effects of Self-Correction in Crowdsourced Microtasks Kobayashi, Masaki, Morita, Hiromi, Matsubara, Masaki, Shimizu, Nobuyuki, Morishima, Atsuyuki The 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP2018) 79 - 87 (2018)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2016-32089 : きこえの診断装置,診断方法,及びプログラム 湯野,悠希, 松原,正樹, 寺澤,洋子, 田原,敬, 平賀,瑠美
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COTRE(コトリ)|COmmunity of Tsukuba REsearchers

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