土岐 浩介 / Doki, Kosuke

医学医療系 准教授 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to guide drug delivery in older people


論文 / Publication

  1. 単腎患者に対してロスバスタチンとベザフィブラートを併用し横紋筋融解症を発症した 1 症例 井坂, 江吏香, 神鳥, 周也, 細野, 智美, 土岐, 浩介, 西山, 博之, 本間, 真人 医療薬学 47 (1) 33 - 37 (2021)
  2. 肝障害を合併する患者の薬物療法マネジメント―④不整脈×肝障害 土岐,浩介 薬局 71 (13) 61 - 66 (2020)
  3. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Serum Lenvatinib Watanabe, Yusuke, Doki, Kosuke, Sekine, Ikuo, Hara, Hisato, Homma, Masato Therapeutic drug monitoring 42 (4) 554 - 558 (2020)
  4. Utilizing physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling to predict theoretically conceivable extreme elevation of serum flecainide concentration in an anuric hemodialysis patient with cirrhosis Doki, Kosuke, Kuga, Keisuke, Aonuma, Kazutaka, Ieda, Masaki, Homma, Masato European journal of clinical pharmacology 76 (6) 821 - 831 (2020)
  5. A Follow-Up Report of an Infant Born to a Mother Receiving Tamoxifen Okada, Yuki, Hitaka, Daisuke, Kido, Takahiro, Kanai, Yu, Konishi, Kumi, Doki, Kosuke, Katayama, Nobuko, Homma, Masato, Miyazono, Yayoi, Takada, Hidetoshi Case reports in pediatrics 2020 (2020)
  6. がん治療におけるメトトレキサートの排泄遅延と薬物相互作用 金子卓也, 土岐, 浩介, 本間真人 TDM研究 37 (1) 1 - 8 (2020)
  7. Interior temperature and relative humidity of an envelope during mail transport by the Japan Post in the summer: Preliminary study for a stability test of dried blood spot samples sent as regular mail Mukai, Yuji, Minami, Rumiko, Doki, Kosuke, Inotsume, Nobuo, Toda, Takaki Therapeutic drug monitoring 41 (5) 628 - 633 (2019)
  8. Involvement of Renal Efflux Transporter MATE1 in Renal Excretion of Flecainide Doki, Kosuke, Apáti, Sándor, Sakata, Takeshi, Homma, Masato Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 42 (7) 1226 - 1229 (2019)
  9. Plasma Concentration of Tamoxifen and Its Metabolites in a Neonate and Mother Receiving Tamoxifen: A Case Report of a Pregnant Woman Konishi, Kumi, Miyazono, Yayoi, Doki, Kosuke, Kido, Takahiro, Hitaka, Daisuke, Kanai, Yu, Takada, Hidetoshi, Homma, Masato Therapeutic drug monitoring 41 (3) 405 - 406 (2019)
  10. ベバシズマブ製剤のdrug vial optimization導入と新容量規格製品に関する検討 大久保真貴, 鈴木嘉治, 中島正人, 土岐, 浩介, 本間真人 日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 55 (3) 315 - 321 (2019)

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