YABAR MOSTACERO HELMUT FRIEDRICH / Yabar, Mostacero Helmut Friedrich
生命環境系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
論文 / Publication
- 名取川流域における再生可能エネルギーを考慮した統合的流域管理 亀崎, 龍一, 永峯, 弘規, Yabar, Helmut, 水野谷, 剛 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
- Sustainability Understanding of Buriganga River Restoration in Bangladesh by Inclusive Wealth and System Dynamics Modelling Kumar, BIPUL, Yabar, Helmut, Takeshi, Mizunoya 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
- A Study on Economic Impacts of the Namche 1 Hydropower Project in Laos NHIAKAO, Kongyang, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
- Rice Farmers’ Post-Harvest Losses: An Economic value of degraded Swampy Wetlands in the Northern and Ashanti Region of Ghana DARKWAH, Baffoe Jonathan, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
- Assessing Tourists’ Preferences for the Conservation of Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar PHYOE, Suu Suu, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi 日本地域学会第57回(2020年)年次大会 学術発表論文集 (2020)
- Unlocking the Energy Recovery Potential from Sustainable Management of Bio-Resources Based on GIS Analysis: Case Study in Hanoi, Vietnam Khue, Dao Minh, Helmut, Yabar, Mizunoya, Takeshi Resources 9 (11) (2020)
- Using Remote Sensing for Identifying Suitable Areas for Flood Shelter: A Case Study of Thatta, Sindh Pakistan Saleem, Umer, Mizunoya, Takeshi, Helmut, Yabar, Ajmal, Ammara International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology 11 (1) 95 - 101 (2020)
- Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Measuring the Impact Income Vulnerability on Rural Households: A Case Study of the 2010 Floods in Pakistan Saleem, Umer, Mizunoya, Takeshi, Helmut, Yabar, Moeen, Muhammad Saad, Ajmal, Ammara Journal of Sustainable Development 13 (2) 1 (2020)
- 太陽光発電と家庭用燃料電池の導入促進及びCO2排出量削減と環境税政策 橋本, 茉依, 水野谷, 剛, Yabar, Helmut 日本地域学会第56回(2019年)年次大会学術発表論文集 (2019)
- Climate Change Awareness and Adaptation: A Case study of Smallholder Farmers in Coastal Areas, Phu Vang District, Vietnam Ha, Vo Hoang, Mizunoya, Takeshi, Helmut, Yabar 日本地域学会第56回(2019年)年次大会学術発表論文集 (2019)
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