関口 智寛 / SEKIGUCHI, Tomohiro
生命環境系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Sedimentary processes and the distribution of tsunami deposits on a narrow coastal lowland backed by a cliff in flume experiments. 山口, 直史, 関口, 智寛 Journal of Sedimentary Research 88 (4) 467 - 474 (2018)
- Virtual velocity of sand transport in water Anthony John Parsons, James Cooper, John Wainwright, Tomohiro Sekiguchi 43 (3) 755 - 761 (2018)
- Effects of tsunami magnitude and terrestrial topography on sedimentary processes and distribution of tsunami deposits in flume experiments Naofumi Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Sekiguchi 328 115 - 121 (2015)
- A unified model for bedform development and equilibrium under unidirectional, oscillatory and combined-flows Mauricio M. Perillo, James L. Best, Miwa Yokokawa, Tomohiro Sekiguchi, Tomohiro Takagawa, Marcelo H. Garcia 61 (7) 2063 - 2085 (2014)
- Ripples under partially standing waves for different reflection coefficients: a laboratory experiment SEKIGUCHI,Tomohiro 堆積学研究 72 125 - 134 (2013)
- THE HYDRAULIC AUTOGENESIS OF DISTINCT CYCLICITY IN DELTA FORESET BEDDING: FLUME EXPERIMENTS Tetsuji Muto, Chizuru Yamagishi, Tomohiro Sekiguchi, Miwa Yokokawa, Gary Parker 82 (7-8) 545 - 558 (2012)
- Dataset of a Wave-Flume Experiments of the Ripple Deformation 関口智寛 筑波大学陸域環境研究センター報告 (12) 41 - 53 (2011)
- ウェーブリップルの遷移過程 関口, 智寛 地質学雑誌 117 (3) 141 - 147 (2011)
- 浅海域の多角形リップル 関口智寛 地質学雑誌 117 (3) VI (2011)
- O17.三次元リップルに関する二方向振動板実験(一般研究発表会発表(口頭発表),2009年度秋季研究発表会) 関口, 智寛 地形 31 (1) 63 - 64 (2010)
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