冨本 慎一 / Tomimoto, Sin-iti

数理物質系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Bimolecular interlayer scattering of electrons in InP/InAs/InP core-multishell nanowires Yasuaki Masumoto, Ken Goto, Shinichi Tomimoto, Premila Mohan, Junichi Motohisa, Takashi Fukui 133 135 - 137 (2013)
  2. Coherence of an electron spin in quantum dots generated by a resonant optical pulse with elliptic polarization Shinichi Tomimoto, Keisuke Kawana, Akira Murakami, Yasuaki Masumoto 133 162 - 168 (2013)
  3. 20aHB-8 ZnO薄膜中のGa不純物に束縛された電子のスピン緩和(20aHB 非線形光学・超高速現象,領域5(光物性)) 村上,瑛, 冨本,慎一, 加藤,裕幸, 佐野,道宏, 松本,貴裕, 舛本,泰章 日本物理学会講演概要集 67 (2) 701 (2012)
  4. Influence of optical coherence on the electron spin in singly charged InP quantum dots excited by resonant laser pulses Shinichi Tomimoto, Keisuke Kawana, Akira Murakami, Yasuaki Masumoto 85 (23) 235320 - 235325 (2012)
  5. 21pRB-8 量子ドットにドープされた電子の共鳴パルス光によるスピン偏極と緩和(21pRB 超高速現象,領域5(光物性)) 冨本, 慎一, 川名, 啓介, 村上, 瑛, 舛本, 泰章 日本物理学会講演概要集 66 (2) 723 (2011)
  6. The enhanced binding energy for biexcitons in InAs quantum dots Yasuaki Masumoto, Seitaro Yoshida, Michio Ikezawa, Shinichi Tomimoto, Yoshiki Sakuma 98 (6) 061905 - 061907 (2011)
  7. Initialization of electron spins in one‐electron‐doped InP quantum dots "jointly worked" Y.Masumoto, K.Kawana, S.Tomimoto, 冨本, 慎一 AIP Conference Proceedings 1399 487 (2011)
  8. Optical electron spin orientation in Ga-doped and undoped ZnO films "jointly worked" S.Tomimoto, S.Nozawa, H.Kato, M.Sano, T.Matsumoto, Y.Masumoto, 冨本, 慎一 AIP Conference Proceedings 1399 723 (2011)
  9. Coherent spin precession of electrons and excitons in charge tunable InP quantum dots Yasuaki Masumoto, Keisuke Kawana, Shinichi Tomimoto 42 (10) 2493 - 2496 (2010)
  10. Anisotropic spin dynamics of confined electrons in CdTe/ZnTe quantum structures Shinichi Tomimoto, Shinsuke Nozawa, Yoshikazu Terai, Shinji Kuroda, Kôki Takita, Yasuaki Masumoto 81 (12) (2010)

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