飯田 順子 / Iida, Junko

人間総合科学研究科 准教授 / Lecturer, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE



論文 / Publication

  1. Retrospective reports of preventive psychosocial education experiences and its relationship between perceived effectiveness and openness to diversity among Japanese university students. Kie Sugimoto, Ikuko Aoyama, Junko Iida, Hiroko Endo 51 514 - 515 (2016)
  2. Development of the school management system in utilizing counselors in the school community: through the interview survey by administrators Toyokazu Yamaguchi, Haruhisa Mizuno, Masahiro Honda, Junko Iida 51 1174 - 1174 (2016)

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