木下 保 / Kinoshita, Tamotu
数理物質系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- On the Double Windowed Ridgelet Transform and its Inverse Fujii, Katsuya, Kinoshita, Tamotu Integral Transforms And Special Functions 31 (2) 118 - 132 (2020)
- Approximation of Distortion Sound via Fourier and Wavelet Transform Suzuki, Toshio, Zempo, Keiichi, Kinoshita Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (2018)
- On an αth-order fractional Radon transform and a wave type of equation Katsuya Fujii, Tamotu Kinoshita, Toshio Suzuki 29 (5) 335 - 351 (2018)
- クリッピング量におけるディストーションサウンドの特徴量抽出 鈴木, 俊夫, 善甫, 啓一, 木下, 保 日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料 17 - 20 (2017)
- A Feature Extraction of Distortion Sounds and its Correlation to Human Perception Suzuki, Toshio, Zempo, Keiichi, Kinoshita, Tamotu Proceeding of the 6th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (APSCOM2017), (2017)
- 4次のStrombergウェーブレット 福田, 尚広, 木下, 保 日本応用数理学会論文誌 27 (2) 162 - 185 (2017)
- Wavelet transforms on Gelfand-Shilov spaces and concrete examples Naohiro Fukuda, Tamotu Kinoshita, Kazuhisa Yoshino 2017 (1) 119 (2017)
- On second order hyperbolic equations with coefficients degenerating at infinity and the loss of derivatives and decays Tamotu Kinoshita 261 (10) 5411 - 5423 (2016)
- Representation of solutions of second order one-dimensional model hyperbolic equations Anahit Galstian, Tamotu Kinoshita 130 355 - 374 (2016)
- 一般化された高木関数とそのウェーブレット展開について (ウェーブレット解析と信号処理) 福田, 尚広, 木下, 保, 鈴木, 俊夫 数理解析研究所講究録 2001 74 - 82 (2016)
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