加藤 和彦 / Kato, Kazuhiko
システム情報系 系長 / Provost, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Analysis of optimal file placement for energy-efficient file-sharing cloud storage system Machida, Fumio, Hasebe, Koji, Abe, Hirotake, Kato, Kazuhiko IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (2020)
- Early Churn User Classification in Social Networking Service Using Attention-based Long Short-Term Memory Koya, Sato, Mizuki, Oka, Kazuhiko, Kato Proc. of the 14th Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics 45 - 56 (2019)
- Early turnover prediction of new restaurant employees from their attendance records and attributes Koya, Sato, Mizuki, Oka, 加藤, 和彦 Proc. of the 30th DEXA Conferences and Workshop 277 - 286 (2019)
- Augmented Recreational Volleyball Court Supporting the Beginners' Landing Position Prediction Skill by Providing Peripheral Visual Feedback Sato, Koya, Sano, Yuji, Otsuki, Mai, Oka, Mizuki, Kato, Kazuhiko Proceedings of 10th Augmented Human International Conference (2019)
- How the Nature of Web Services Drive Vocabulary Creation in Social Tagging Koya, Sato, Mizuki, Oka, Yazuhiro, Hashimoto, Takashi, Ikegami, 加藤, 和彦 Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Information Science and System 17 - 21 (2019)
- Power-Saving Method in Storage Systems for File Sharing Services Horleang, Choeng, Koji, Hasebe, Hirotake, Abe, Kazuhiko, Kato 研究報告システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム (2019)
- Newcomers churn prediction by the event sequence on social networking service SATO, Koya, OKA, Mizuki, KATO, Kazuhiko JSAI大会論文集 2018 4A205 - 4A205 (2018)
- 色彩調和に基づく衣服コーディネートシステムの提案 齊藤, 拓己, 岡, 瑞起, 加藤, 和彦 JSAI大会論文集 2018 2F105 - 2F105 (2018)
- Live Migration in Bare-metal Clouds 深井貴明, 品川高廣, 加藤, 和彦 IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (2018)
- Unified hardware abstraction layer with device masquerade Iori, Yoneji, Takaaki, Fukai, Takahiro, Shinagawa, 加藤, 和彦 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 1102 - 1108 (2018)
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- 6959979/6959978 : BitVisor 加藤, 和彦
- 7239734 : BitVisor 加藤, 和彦
- 77572481 : BitVisor 加藤, 和彦
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