東山 和幸 / Higashiyama, Kazuyuki
数理物質系 講師 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Atomic-scale structure and work function of the K-adsorbed Pd(110)-(1x2) surface Higashiyama, Kazuyuki, Egami, Akihiro Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58 (9) 095503-1 - 095503-7 (2019)
- High-energy-resolution XANES of layered oxides for sodium-ion battery Niwa, Hideharu, Higashiyama, Kazuyuki, Amaha, Kaoru, Kobayashi, Wataru, Ishii, Kenji, Moritomo, Yutaka Applied Physics Express 12 (5) 052005 (2019)
- Electronic states in oxidized NaxCoO2 as revealed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy coupled with ab initio calculation Hideharu Niwa, Kazuyuki Higashiyama, Kaoru Amaha, Wataru Kobayashi, Yutaka Moritomo 384 156 - 159 (2018)
- Cs吸着Pd(110)1×2再構成表面の第一原理計算 樋口, 翔馬, 東山, 和幸, 守友, 浩 日本物理学会講演概要集 73 2373 - 2373 (2018)
- Partial Disorder of the Si(111)6×6-Au Surface Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy K., Higashiyama, A. Egami, S. Hosoi, K. Suzuki Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40 (12) 6985-6992 (2001)
- Existence of a stable intermixing phase for monolayer Ge on Si(001) H.W., Yeom, M., Sasaki, S., Suzuki, S., Sato, S., Hosoi, M., Iwabuchi, K., Higashiyama, H., Fukutani, M., Nakamura, T., Abukawa, S., Kono Surface Science 381 L533-L539 (1997)
- Angle-resolved photoemission of oxygen chemisorbed Ni(110) surfaces : 2×1-O(1/2ML) and 3×1-O(2/3ML) K., Suzuki, A. Yamane, R. Ozawa, Y. Gunji, K. Higashiyama, H. Fukutani Surface Science 365 248-254 (1996)
- Angle-resolved photoemission study of oxygen-induced c(2×4) structure on Pd(110) K., Yagi, K. Higashiyama, H. Fukutani Surface Science 295 230-240 (1993)
- Surface states of boron-induced √3x√3 structure on Si(111) K., Higashiyama, S. Yamazaki, H. Ohnuki, H. Fukutani Solid State Communications 87 455-459 (1993)
- Asymmetry of adatoms on Ge(111) observed by scanning tunneling microscopy : the clean c(2×8) and Sn-induced (7×7) structures K., Higashiyama, S.K. Lewis, R.X. Ynzunza, E.D. Tober, Y.J. Kim, C.S. Fadley Surface Science 291 47-56 (1993)
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