徳納 吉秀 / Tokunou, Yoshihide
生命環境系 助教 / Assistant professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
論文 / Publication
- Extracellular electron transfer by Microcystis aeruginosa is solely driven by high pH Rita Vieira Lemos, Seiya Tsujimura, Pablo Ledezma, Yoshihide Tokunou, Akihiro Okamoto, Stefano Freguia 137 107637 - 107637 (2021)
- Synechococcus and Other Bloom‐Forming Cyanobacteria Exhibit Unique Redox Signatures Yoshihide Tokunou, Rita Vieira Lemos, Seiya Tsujimura, Akihiro Okamoto, Pablo Ledezma, Stefano Freguia 8 (2) 360 - 364 (2021)
- Basicity of N5 in semiquinone enhances the rate of respiratory electron outflow in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Yoshihide Tokunou, Keisuke Saito, Ryo Hasegawa, Kenneth H Nealson, Kazuhito Hashimoto, Hiroshi Ishikita, akihiro okamoto (2019)
- Geometrical Changes in the Hemes of Bacterial Surface c-Type Cytochromes Reveal Flexibility in Their Binding Affinity with Minerals. Tokunou Y, Okamoto A [Supplementary Cover] Langmuir 35 (23) 7529 - 7537 (2019)
- Whole-cell circular dichroism difference spectroscopy reveals an in vivo-specific deca-heme conformation in bacterial surface cytochromes. Tokunou Y, Chinotaikul P, Hattori S, Clarke TA, Shi L, Hashimoto K, Ishii K, Okamoto A [Inside Front Cover] Chemical communications 54 (99) 13933 - 13936 (2018)
- Electrochemical detection of deuterium kinetic isotope effect on extracellular electron transport in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Yoshihide Tokunou, Kazuhito Hashimoto, Akihiro Okamoto 2018 (134) 1 - 9 (2018)
- Proton Transport in the Outer-Membrane Flavocytochrome Complex Limits the Rate of Extracellular Electron Transport Akihiro Okamoto, Yoshihide Tokunou, Shafeer Kalathil, Kazuhito Hashimoto Angewandte Chemie 129 (31) 9210 (2017)
- Proton Transport in the Outer-Membrane Flavocytochrome Complex Limits the Rate of Extracellular Electron Transport Akihiro Okamoto*, Yoshihide Tokunou*, Shafeer Kalathil, Kazuhito Hashimoto 56 (31) 9082 - 9086 (2017)
- Acceleration of Extracellular Electron Transfer by Alternative Redox-Active Molecules to Riboflavin for Outer-Membrane Cytochrome c of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Yoshihide Tokunou, Kazuhito Hashimoto, Akihiro Okamoto 120 (29) 16168 - 16173 (2016)
- 微生物燃料電池の効率化に向けた細胞外電子移動の速度論研究 岡本章玄, 徳納吉秀, 斎藤淳貴 バイオサイエンスとインダストリー (2016)
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