原田 真理子 / Harada, Mariko

生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. Great Oxidation Event and Snowball Earth Tajika, Eiichi, Harada, Mariko In: Yamagishi A., Kakegawa T., Usui T. (eds) Astrobiology. 261 - 271 (2019)
  2. Planktonic adaptive evolution to the sea surface temperature in the Neoproterozoic inferred from ancestral NDK of marine cyanobacteria Harada, Mariko, Nagano, Aki, Yagi, Sota, Furukawa, Ryutaro, Yokobori, Shin-ichi, Yamagishi, Akihiko Earth and Planetary Science Letters 522 98 - 106 (2019)
  3. A possible relationship between the Great Oxidation event and the Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth event Tajika, Eiichi, Harada, Mariko Viva Origino (2017)
  4. 全球凍結と大酸化イベント―地球大気はいかにして酸素を含むようになったのか 田近英一, 原田, 真理子 生物の科学 遺伝 71 (2) 114 - 120 (2017)
  5. Transition to an oxygen-rich atmosphere with an extensive overshoot triggered by the Paleoproterozoic snowball Earth Harada, Mariko, Tajika, Eiichi, Sekine, Yasuhito Earth and Planetary Science Letters 419 178 - 186 (2015)
  6. スピネル形成真空実験から探るプレソーラースピネルの起源 原田, 真理子, 瀧川, 晶, 橘, 省吾, 永原, 裕子, 小澤, 一仁 日本惑星科学会誌「遊星人」 21 (2) 160 - 167 (2012)

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