礪波 亜希 / Tonami, Aki

ビジネスサイエンス系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. 海外直接投資は脅威になり得るのか—欧州の対内投資規制制度を例に— 礪波,亜希 防衛学研究 (60) 21 - 41 (2019)
  2. Exporting the developmental state: Japan’s economic diplomacy in the Arctic Tonami, Aki Third World Quarterly 39 (6) 1211 - 1225 (2018)
  3. Influencing the imagined 'polar regions': the politics of Japan's Arctic and Antarctic policies Aki Tonami 53 (5) 489 - 497 (2017)
  4. The Arctic policy of China and Japan: multi-layered economic and strategic motivations 礪波 亜希 The Polar Journal 4 (1) 105 - 126 (2014)
  5. Future-Proofing Japan’s Interests in the Arctic: Scientific Collaboration and a Search for Balance 礪波, 亜希 Asia Policy 18 52 - 58 (2014)
  6. Trajectories of Japanese and South Korean Environmental Aid: A Comparative Historical Analysis 礪波 亜希, アンダース・リエル・ミュラー The Journal of Environment & Development 23 (2) 191 - 219 (2014)
  7. Japanese and South Korean Environmental Aid: What are their life stories? 礪波, 亜希, アナス・リエル・ミュラー DIIS Working Paper 2013 (8) (2013)
  8. Japan og Singapore i Arktis: Overvejelser for Grønland スチュワート・ワッターズ, 礪波,亜希 Tidsskriftet Grønland 2013 (1) 2 - 17 (2013)
  9. Japan's Arctic Policy: The Sum of Many Parts 礪波,亜希, スチュワート・ワッターズ Arctic Yearbook 2012 93 - 103 (2012)
  10. Singapore: An Emerging Arctic Actor スチュワート・ワッターズ, 礪波,亜希 Arctic Yearbook 2012 105 - 114 (2012)

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