横井 智之 / Yokoi, Tomoyuki
生命環境系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- First record of the invasive woodwasp, Urocerus albicornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), from a local forest in Japan Kuramitsu K, Yamamoto T, Yokoi T Journal of Applied Entomology 143 (10) 1196 - 1199 (2019)
- Morphology and sex-specific behavior of a gynandromorphic Myrmarachne formicaria (Araneae: Salticidae) spider Suzuki, Yuya, Kuramitsu, Kazumu, Yokoi, Tomoyuki SCIENCE OF NATURE 106 (7-8) 34 (2019)
- First come, first served: precopulatory mate-guarding behavior and male–male contests by a hymenopteran saproxylic parasitoid Kuramitsu, Kazumu, Yooboon, Thitaree, Tomatsuri, Morihiko, Yamada, Hideo, Yokoi, Tomoyuki The Science of Nature 106 (5-6) (2019)
- Ovarian development related to pollen feeding in workers of the bumblebee Bombus ignitus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Tanaka, Chisato S, Ikemoto, Mito, Nikkeshi, Aoi, Kanbe, Yuya, Mitsuhata, Masahiro, Yokoi, Tomoyuki APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 54 (1) 85 - 89 (2019)
- Discovery of the web of Phoroncidia altiventris (Araneae: Theridiidae) and implications for its taxonomic position Suzuki,Yuya, Yokoi,Tomoyuki Acta Arachnologica 68 (1) 31 - 33 (2019)
- 水田内の環境と周辺の景観が水生昆虫群集(コウチュウ目・カメムシ目) に与える影響 渡辺, 黎也, 日下石, 碧, 横井, 智之 保全生態学研究 24 (1) 49 - 60 (2019)
- Inbreeding tolerance as a pre-adapted trait for invasion success in the invasive ant Brachyponera chinensis Eyer, Pierre-André, Matsuura, Kenji, Vargo, Edward L, Kobayashi, Kazuya, Yashiro, Toshihisa, Suehiro, Wataru, Himuro, Chihiro, Yokoi, Tomoyuki, Guénard, Benoit, Dunn, Robert R, Tsuji, Kazuki Molecular ecology 27 (23) 4711 - 4724 (2018)
- Overwintering success in adults of the Japanese common grass yellow Eurema mandarina Tatsuro Konagaya, Tomoyuki Yokoi, Mamoru Watanabe, Hideharu Numata 21 (2) 216 - 224 (2018)
- Radiocarbon analysis reveals expanded diet breadth associates with the invasion of a predatory ant Wataru Suehiro, Fujio Hyodo, Hiroshi O. Tanaka, Chihiro Himuro, Tomoyuki Yokoi, Shigeto Dobata, Benoit Guenard, Robert R. Dunn, Edward L. Vargo, Kazuki Tsuji, Kenji Matsuura 7 (1) (2017)
- Nutrient allocation for somatic maintenance and worker production by the queen of the Japanese black carpenter ant, Camponotus japonicus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Naoto Idogawa, Mamoru Watanabe, Tomoyuki Yokoi 52 (3) 527 - 530 (2017)
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