山本 亨輔 / Yamamoto, Kyosuke

システム情報系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Field Experiments and Predicting using C-LSTM Networks of Bridge Position Estimation Ryota, Shin, Yamamoto, Kyosuke, Okada, Yukihiko Proceedings of World Congress on Engineering 2020 1 - 5 (2020)
  2. The application of drive-by bridge damage detection based on continuous SSMA to the field experimental data 山本, 亨輔, 高橋, 悠太 International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering 2019 Vol.3 (No.3/4) 310 - 330 (2019)
  3. Basic Numerical Study about the Stochastic Advantage on Ultimate Bending Capacity of Hybrid Composite Girder 山本,亨輔 Proc. of World Congress on Engineering 2019 402 - 405 (2019)
  4. Numerical Experiments of Bridge Position Estimation for On-Going Monitoring Murai, Ryo, Miyamoto, Riku, Yamamoto, Kyosuke, Okada, Yukihiko Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2019 1 - 4 (2019)
  5. 空間特異モード角度を用いた比較的軽度な橋梁損傷検知の可能性検討 山本, 亨輔 構造工学論文集 65A 283 - 292 (2019)
  6. Experimental Study about the Applicability of Traffic-induced Vibration for Bridge Monitoring Yamamoto, Kyosuke, Miyamoto, Riku, Takahashi, Yuta, Okada, Yukihiko ENGINEERING LETTERS 26 (2) 276 - 280 (2018)
  7. 車両応答分析を用いた橋梁損傷検知手法における車両特性の影響 二出川, 真, 石川, 幹生, 高橋, 悠太, 山本, 亨輔 土木学会論文集A2(応用力学) 73 (2) I_831 - I_841 (2017)
  8. Numerical Verification of Bridge Screening Technology based on Vehicle Vibration Yamamoto,Kyosuke Proc. of The 2016 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (2016)
  9. トラス橋部材破断がSSMA分析結果に及ぼす影響の数値的検討 石川, 幹生, 山本, 亨輔 構造工学論文集 62 (A) 204 - 211 (2016)
  10. 車両応答データの特異値分解による橋梁損傷検知技術の提案と検討 山本亨輔, 大島義信, 金哲佑, 杉浦邦征 構造工学論文集A 59 (A) (2013)

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