湯山 育子 / Yuyama, Ikuko 2025年1月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
山口大学 創成科学研究科 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
論文 / Publication
- Differential gene expression in skeletal organic matrix proteins of scleractinian corals associated with mixed aragonite/calcite skeletons under low mMg/Ca conditions Yuyama, Ikuko, Higuchi, Tomihiko 7 (e7241) e7241 (2019)
- Physiology of winter coral bleaching in temperate zone. Tomihiko, Higuchi, Yuyama, Ikuko, Agostini, Sylvain Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes:Proceedings of Coast Bordeaux and of the 17th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium (2019)
- Transcriptomic changes with increasing algal symbiont reveal the detailed process underlying establishment of coral-algal symbiosis Yuyama, Ikuko, Ishikawa, Masakazu, Nozawa, Masafumi, Yoshida, Masa-aki, Ikeo, Kazuho Scientific Reports 8 (1) (2018)
- ゲノム,トランスクリプトームデータから明らかにされる刺胞動物-藻類の細胞内共生 湯山, 育子 生物科学 69 (4) 214 - 222 (2018)
- Temperature dependence of aragonite and calcite skeleton formation by a scleractinian coral in low mMg/Ca seawater Higuchi, Tomihiko, Shirai, Kotaro, Mezaki, Takuma, Yuyama, Ikuko 45 (12) 1087 - 1090 (2017)
- Symbiodinium kawagutii (clade F) coats the surface of Acropora solitaryensis, resulting in the formation of a sheet-like crust. Yuyama,Ikuko, Tomihiko,Higuchi, Takuma,Mezaki Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (2016)
- Sulfur utilization of corals is enhanced by endosymbiotic algae Yuyama, Ikuko, Higuchi, Tomihiko, Takei, Yoshio 5 (9) 1299 - 1304 (2016)
- Different Endosymbiotic Interactions in Two Hydra Species Reflect the Evolutionary History of Endosymbiosis Masakazu Ishikawa, Ikuko Yuyama, Hiroshi Shimizu, Masafumi Nozawa, Kazuho Ikeo, Takashi Gojobori 8 (7) 2155 - 2163 (2016)
- Different Stress Tolerances of Juveniles of the Coral Acropora tenuis Associated with Clades C1 and D Symbiodinium Yuyama, Ikuko, Nakamura, Takashi, Higuchi, Tomihiko, Hidaka, Michio 55 (19) (2016)
- The combined effects of nitrate with high temperature and high light intensity on coral bleaching and antioxidant enzyme activities Tomihiko Higuchi, Ikuko Yuyama, Takashi Nakamura 2 27 - 31 (2015)
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