長谷部 浩二 / Hasebe, Koji

システム情報系 情報工学域 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems


論文 / Publication

  1. Deadlock Detection in the Scheduling of Last-Mile Transportation Using Model Checking Koji Hasebe, Mitsuaki Tsuji, Kazuhiko Kato 2018- 423 - 430 (2018)
  2. A Flexible Data Migration Strategy for Power Savings in Distributed Storage Systems Koji Hasebe, Sho Takai, Kazuhiko Kato 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SmartGreens 2018) 352 - 357 (2018)
  3. Fault Tolerance in the Traffic Management System of a Last-mile Transportation Service Koji Hasebe, Shohei Sasaki, Kazuhiko Kato 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems (VEHITS 2018) 552 - 557 (2018)
  4. Traffic management for last-mile public transportation systems using autonomous vehicles Koji Hasebe, Kazuhiko Kato, Hirotake Abe, Ryutaro Akiya, Masayuki Kawamoto 6 pages (2017)
  5. A game theoretic approach to power reduction in distributed storage systems Koji Hasebe, Takumi Sawada, Kazuhiko Kato 24 (1) 173 - 181 (2016)
  6. Power-Saving in Storage Systems for Cloud Data Sharing Services with Data Access Prediction Koji Hasebe, Jumpei Okoshi, Kazuhiko Kato E98D (10) 1744 - 1754 (2015)
  7. Using a Potential Game for Power Reduction in Distributed Storage Systems Koji Hasebe, Takumi Sawada, Kazuhiko Kato 550 - 555 (2014)
  8. Highly Available Primary-Backup Mechanism for Internet Services with Optimistic Consensus Koji Hasebe, Naofumi Nishita, Kazuhiko Kato 410 - 416 (2014)
  9. Power-Saving in Storage Systems for Internet Hosting Services with Data Access Prediction Jumpei,Okoshi, Hasebe,Koji, Kazuhiko,Kato Proceedings of the 4th International Green Computing Conference (IGCC 2013) (2013)
  10. Computationally complete symbolic attacker and key exchange Gergei Bana, Koji Hasebe, Mitsuhiro Okada 1231 - 1246 (2013)

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