潘 亮 / Pan, Liang

人文社会系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


論文 / Publication

  1. 世界の外交史料を渉猟して 潘,亮 『外交』 (45) 134 - 136 (2017)
  2. 国際組織における「新興文化大国・中国」の浮沈―草創期のユネスコと中国の二つの政権― 潘,亮 『国際政治』 183 45 - 58 (2016)
  3. 「冷戦期日本の国連外交―チャンスとジレンマの狭間で―」 潘,亮 『外交史料館報』 49 - 66 (2013)
  4. “Japan’s ‘Nationalistic Internationalism’ and Cooperation with International Cultural Organisations” Pan,Liang paper delivered at the “International Turn” Bologna Workshop, New Histories of Internationalism, University of Sydney (2012)
  5. "Harmonizing the Rising Sun: A Study on US-Japan Political/Security Relations in the Early 1970s" Liang, PAN Workshop co-hosted by the State of Statelessness Program and the Asian Studies Program, the University of Sydney (2010)
  6. Japanese Relations with UNESCO during the Cold War Liang, Pan UNESCO History Conference - UNESCO and the Cold War (2010)
  7. 日本と国連 稀有な絆 潘, 亮 『外交フォーラム』 22 (11) 76-79 (2009)
  8. 脅威か友か―1970年代初期のオーストラリアの対日政策に関する一考察 潘, 亮 日本国際政治学会2009年度研究大会部会報告ペーパー (2009)
  9. Fighting with Formulas over China: Japan and the United Kingdom at the United Nations, 1961-1971 Liang Pan 31 (2) 329 - 355 (2009)
  10. "Coping with the Rise of A 'New Major Power": US Foreign Policymaking in Relation to Japan under the Nixon/Ford Administration" Liang, Pan Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) (2009)

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