延原 肇 / Nobuhara, Hajime

システム情報系 准教授 / Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering,Information and Systems

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE



論文 / Publication

  1. Proposal on drone control device with tactile display Takumi Sugiura, Ryo Shimomura, Hajime Nobuhara 22 (3) 341 - 350 (2018)
  2. Inception learning super-resolution Muhammad Haris, M. Rahmat Widyanto, Hajime Nobuhara 56 (22) 6043 - 6048 (2017)
  3. Superresolution for UAV Images via Adaptive Multiple Sparse Representation and Its Application to 3-D Reconstruction Muhammad Haris, Takuya Watanabe, Liu Fan, Muhammad Rahmat Widyanto, Hajime Nobuhara 55 (7) 4047 - 4058 (2017)
  4. 位置情報SNS上の画像_テキスト間対応を利用したユーザ嗜好抽出と推薦スポット候補拡張 大東祐太, 有山俊一郎, 延原肇 情報処理学会論文誌, 58 (12) 2006 - 2015 (2017)
  5. A decentralized trusted timestamping based on blockchains Yuefei Gao, Hajime Nobuhara 6 (4) 252 - 257 (2017)
  6. First-order derivative-based super-resolution Muhammad Haris, M. Rahmat Widyanto, Hajime Nobuhara 11 (1) 1 - 8 (2017)
  7. 学生のグループ特性を考慮した群衆歩行シミュレーションと教室配置最適化への応用 播磨 大輝, 前川 廣太郎, 延原 肇 情報処理学会論文誌 57 (3) 1040 - 1048 (2016)
  8. Using GIS to develop a mobile communications network for disaster-damaged areas Youhei Kawamura, Ashraf M. Dewan, Bert Veenendaal, Masahiro Hayashi, Takeshi Shibuya, Itaru Kitahara, Hajime Nobuhara, Kento Ishii 7 (4) 279 - 293 (2014)
  9. An efficient super resolution based on image dimensionality reduction using accumulative intensity gradient Muhammad Haris, Kazuhito Sawase, Muhammad Rahmat Widyanto, Hajime Nobuhara 18 (4) 518 - 528 (2014)
  10. Robust watermarking using n-diagonalization based on householder transform Jaesung Park, Kazuhito Sawase, Hajime Nobuhara 18 (4) 549 - 557 (2014)

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