佐藤 豊実 / Satoh, Toyomi

医学医療系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Medicine

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Paclitaxel plus carboplatin versus paclitaxel plus cisplatin in metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer: The open-label randomized phase III trial JCOG0505
Extended Clavien-Dindo classification of surgical complications: Japan Clinical Oncology Group postoperative complications criteria
悪性腫瘍の治癒を目指す 〜創薬開発に向けて
For drug discovery to cure malignant tumors


論文 / Publication

  1. Diagnosing uterine cervical cancer on a single T2-weighted image: Comparison between deep learning versus radiologists. Aiko, Urushibara, tsukasa, saida, mori, kensaku, ishiguro, toshitaka, sakai, masafumi, masuoka, souta, Satoh, Toyomi, masumoto, tomohiko European Journal of Pharmacology 135 (2021) (2020)
  2. 初期臨床研修における『妊娠・授乳と薬』に関する研修の現状〜初期研修医の産婦人科再必修化を前に〜 渡辺, 麻紀子, 八木, 洋也, 木村, 友沢, 津曲, 綾子, 細川, 義彦, 飯場, 萌絵, 西田, 恵子, 阿部, 春奈, 大原, 玲奈, 小畠, 真奈, 佐藤, 豊実, 濱田, 洋実 関東連合産科婦人科学会会誌 57 (4) 403 - 409 (2020)
  3. High Levels of Within-Host Variations of Human Papillomavirus 16 E1/E2 Genes in Invasive Cervical Cancer. Hirose, Yusuke, Yamagushi-Naka, Mayuko, Onuki, Makiko, Tenjimbayashi, Yuri, Tasaka, Nobutaka, Satoh, Toyomi, Tanaka, Kohsei, Iwata, Takashi, Sekizawa, Akihiko, Matsumoto, Koji, Kukimoto, Iwao Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (596334) (2020)
  4. Poor uterine contractility and postpartum hemorrhage among low-risk women: a case-control study of a large-scale database from Japan Nishida, K, Sairenchi, T, Uchiyama, K, Haruyama, Y, Watanabe, M, Hamada, H, 佐藤, 豊実, Miyashita, S, Fukasawa, I, Kobashi, G Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1 - 7 (2020)
  5. Carcinosarcoma of the ovary: MR and clinical findings compared with high-grade serous carcinoma Saida, Tsukasa, 森 健作, 田中 優美子, 酒井 正史, 天野 太史, 菊地 俊介, 益岡 壮太, 吉田 美貴, 増本 智彦, 南 学, Satoh, Toyomi Japanese Journal of Radiology (2020)
  6. Lymphadenectomy for primary ovarian cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis Chiyoda, Tatsuyuki, Sakurai, Manabu, Satoh, Toyomi, Nagase, Satoru, Mikami, Mikio, Katabuchi, Hidetaka, Aoki, Daisuke Journal of gynecologic oncology 31 (5) (2020)
  7. Impact of clean intermittent catheterization on quality of life of patients with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction due to radical hysterectomy: A cross-sectional study Sekido, Noritoshi, Takaoka, Ei-ichiro, Nishiyama, Hiroyuki, Ochi, Hiroyuki, Satoh, Toyomi LUTS-LOWER URINARY TRACT SYMPTOMS Epub (2020)
  8. Ovarian and non-ovarian teratomas: a wide spectrum of features Saida, Tsukasa, Mori, Kensaku, Masumoto, Tomohiko, Hoshiai, Sodai, Ishiguro, Toshitaka, Sakai, Masafumi, Hara, Tadashi, Ochi, Hiroyuki, Satoh, Toyomi, Minami, Manabu Japanese journal of radiology Epub (2020)
  9. 他診療科学会作成の診療ガイドラインにおける妊娠に関連する記述 -産婦人科医の認知率、活用率とその問題点- 鈴木, あすか, 八木, 洋也, 蒲田, 郁, 木村, 友沢, 渡辺, 麻紀子, 細川, 義彦, 飯場, 萌絵, 阿部, 春奈, 大原, 玲奈, 小畠, 真奈, 佐藤, 豊実, 濱田, 洋実 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 56 (2) 254 - 260 (2020)
  10. Stage III disease of ovarian, tubal and peritoneal cancers can be accurately diagnosed with pre-operative CT. Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG0602 T, Onda, YO, Tanaka, S, Kitai, T, Manabe, M, Ishikawa, Y, Hasumi, K, Miyamoto, G, Ogawa, Satoh, Toyomi, T, Saito, T, Kasamatsu, T, Nakanishi Japanese Journal of Clinial Oncology 1 - 8 (2020)

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