福田 直也 / Fukuda, Naoya

生命環境系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE

Favorable effects of the weak ethylene receptor mutation Sletr1-2 on postharvest fruit quality changes in tomatoes
Food Security
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LEDで植物の成長促進 効率良い栽培技術確立へ


論文 / Publication

  1. The Expression of ELF4-Like Genes Is Influenced by Light Quality in Petunia Fukuda, Naoya, Suenaga, Tomohiro, Miura, Erika, Tsukamoto, Atsuko, Olsen, Jorunn E Agronomy 10 (2020)
  2. Effects of over-night lighting by red light emitting diodes on the growth and photosynthesis of lettuce under CO2 enrichment 福田, 直也, 金坂直之, 奥島里美, 佐瀬勘紀 Acta Horticulturae 1296 605 - 612 (2020)
  3. Continuous blue lighting and elevated carbon dioxide concentration rapidly increase chlorogenic acid content in young lettuce plants. Shimomura, Michiru, Yoshida, Hideo, Fujiuchi, Naomichi, Ariizumi, Tohru, Ezura, Hiroshi, Fukuda, Naoya Scientia Horticulture 272 (2020)
  4. Functional Disruption of the Tomato Putative Ortholog of HAWAIIAN SKIRT Results in Facultative Parthenocarpy, Reduced Fertility and Leaf Morphological Defects. Farida Damayanti, Fabien Lombardo, Jun-Ichiro Masuda, Yoshihito Shinozaki, Takuji Ichino, Ken Hoshikawa, Yoshihiro Okabe, Ning Wang, Naoya Fukuda, Tohru Ariizumi, Hiroshi Ezura 10 1234 - 1234 (2019)
  5. 青色ならびに赤色光下で栽培したペチュニアにおける花成関連遺伝子群の網羅的解析 福田, 直也, 矢野亮一, 末永智大 園芸学研究 17 (2) 309 - 309 (2018)
  6. 花蕾発達期の昼夜温がピンク系トルコギキョウの花色および花弁のアントシアニン含量に及ぼす影響 福田, 直也, 松野佑哉, 村井良徳, 佐藤貴子 園芸学研究 17 (2) 317 - 317 (2018)
  7. Differences in Blossom-end Rot Resistance in Tomato Cultivars is Associated with Total Ascorbate rather than Calcium Concentration in the Distal End Part of Fruits per se Rached, Moalla, Pierre, Baldet, Yves, Gibon, Matsukura, Chiaki, Ariizumi, Toru, Ezura, Hiroshi, Fukuda, Naoya The Horticulture Journal 87 (3) 372 - 381 (2018)
  8. マイクロトム・トマトを基盤とした高度研究リソース Hoshikawa, Ken, 有泉, 亨, 福田直也, 久保康隆, 金山喜則, 矢野健太郎, 青木考, 江面浩 植物感染生理談話会論文集 52 15 - 25 (2017)
  9. Favorable effects of the weak ethylene receptor mutation Sletr1-2 on postharvest fruit quality changes in tomatoes Syariful Mubarok, Yoshihiro Okabe, Naoya Fukuda, Tohru Ariizumi, Hiroshi Ezura 120 1 - 9 (2016)
  10. Effects of varying light quality from single-peak blue and red light-emitting diodes during nursery period on flowering, photosynthesis, growth, and fruit yield of everbearing strawberry Hideo Yoshida, Daiki Mizuta, Naoya Fukuda, Shoko Hikosaka, Eiji Goto 33 (4) 267 - 276 (2016)

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知財 / Intellectual properties

  1. 特願2008-291219 : 植物体栽培装置及び遺伝子組換えトマトに置ける目的タンパク質の生産方法 江面浩, 吉田滋樹, 棚瀬京子, ナレンドラ・デュヒタ, 高根健一, 福田, 直也
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