中島(神戸) 敏明 / Nakajima-Kambe, Toshiaki
生命環境系 教授 / Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
関連記事 / Related Articles in COTRE
- Improved ethanol tolerance and ethanol production from glycerol in a streptomycin-resistant Klebsiella variicola mutant obtained by ribosome engineering
論文 / Publication
- Isolation and identification of flower yeasts for the development of mixed culture to produce single-cell protein from waste milk Khin Thandar Myint, Mitsuo Otsuka, Airi Okubo, Ryoko Mitsuhashi, Asami Oguro, Hironori Maeda, Toshiya Shigeno, Kiyoshi Sato, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe 10 100401 - 100401 (2020)
- Gene structure and comparative study of two different plastic-degrading esterases from Roseateles depolymerans strain TB-87 Ahmad, Azura, Tsutsui, Atsushi, Iijima, Shun, Suzuki, Toshihiro, Shah, Aamer Ali, Nakajima-Kambe, Toshiaki POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY 164 109 - 117 (2019)
- Ecological impact evaluation by constructing in situ microcosm with porous ceramic arrowhead Hara, Eri, Yoshimoto, Takuya, Shigeno, Toshiya, Mayumi, Daisuke, Suzuki, Toshihiro, Mitsuhashi, Kyohei, Abe, Akihiro, Nakajima-Kambe, Toshiaki Chemosphere 219 202 - 208 (2019)
- Isolation of a novel Co2+-resistant bacterium and the application of its siderophore in Co2+ recovery from an aqueous solution Shinozaki, Yukiko, Kitamoto, Hiroko, Sameshima-Yamashita, Yuka, Kinoshita, Aya, Nakajima-Kambe, Toshiaki The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 65 (6) 273 - 276 (2019)
- Cultural characteristics Meyerozyma guilliermondii TY-89 on lard Kobayashi, Y, Kusakabe, M, Takesono, S, Nakajima, T, Shigeno, T, Onodera, M NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY 44 (S) S154 - S154 (2018)
- Yeast cell production from vegetable oil M. Onodera, K. Satoh, Y. Nakanishi, Y. Kobayashi, S. Takesono, T. Nakajima, T. Shigeno 44 (S) S154 - S154 (2018)
- Gene disruption to improve 1,3-propandiol production in Citrobacter braakii strain TB-96 Matsumoto, Mizuki, Kiyoshi, Keiji, Nonakal, Daisuke, Morita, Takahide, Nakajima-Kambe, Toshiaki New Biotechnology 44 S88 - S88 (2018)
- Potential use of methane fermentation digested slurry as a low-cost, environmentally-friendly nutrient for bioethanol production from crude glycerol by Klebsiella variicola TB-83D Kohei Seta, Toshihiro Suzuki, Keiji Kiyoshi, Toshiya Shigeno, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe 44 1 - 5 (2018)
- Growth associated degradation of aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters by Cryptococcus sp. MTCC 5455 Mayilvahanan Aarthy, Puhazhendi Puhazhselvan, Ramchary Aparna, Antony Sebastian George, Marichetti Kuppuswami Gowthaman, Niraikulam Ayyadurai, Kazuo Masaki, Toshiaki Nakajima-Kambe, Numbi Ramudu Kamini 152 20 - 28 (2018)
- 微生物によるバイディーゼル由来廃グリセロールからのポリマー原料生産系の開発 清啓自, 中島(神戸), 敏明 ケミカルエンジニヤリング 62 (7) 488 - 493 (2017)
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