McLeod Gary Roderick / McLeod, Gary Roderick

芸術系 助教 / Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Design


論文 / Publication

  1. Canning Time: Problematizing Time Poverty with Pinhole Cameras McLeod,Gary Roderick Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020 (TGSW2020) Art Session – Capacity for Depiction: the role of art and design in science proceedings 7 - 11 (2020)
  2. Rephotograph (v) McLeod,Gary Roderick Philosophy of Photography 10 (1) 89 - 99 (2019)
  3. Rephotography for photographers: discussing methodological compromises by post-graduate online learners of photography McLeod,Gary Roderick Journal of Visual Literacy (2019)
  4. The Past is a Different Time Zone : notes on rephotography, place and time McLeod,Gary Roderick GIS journal : the Hosei journal of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies 4 1 - 20 (2018)
  5. Rephotographing Place Together: Japan and the Challenger expedition McLeod,Gary Roderick Cumulus 2016: In this Place 381 - 391 (2016)
  6. Rephotographic Powers: revisiting rephotography at Photomedia 2014 McLeod,Gary Roderick Photographic Powers: Helsinki Photomedia 2014, 45 - 83 (2015)
  7. The User’s Point of View: Borrowing a rephotographic approach towards using user-generated images in experience driven design McLeod,Gary Roderick 5th International Congress: Consilience & Innovation in Design 4510 - 4521 (2013)
  8. In the wake of SNS Challenger: Rephotographing collectively online with informal learners McLeod,Gary Roderick Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 11 (2) 177 - 197 (2012)

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