大澤 光 / Osawa, Hikaru 2025年3月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません

筑波大学 生命環境系山岳科学センター 助教 / Reseacher, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba


論文 / Publication

  1. Effects of coastal erosion on landslide activity revealed by multi‐sensor observations Issei Doi, Sumio Matsuura, Hikaru Osawa, Tatsuya Shibasaki, Shinichi Tosa (2020)
  2. Seasonal transition of hydrological processes in a slow-moving landslide in a snowy region Osawa H, Matsushi Y, Matsuura S, Okamoto T, Shibasaki T, Hirashima H Hydrological Processes 32 (17) 2695 - 2707 (2018)
  3. 豪雪地帯の堆積軟岩を基盤とする再活動型地すべり地における水文過程の季節的遷移 大澤 光 京都大学 1 - 104 (2018)
  4. Influences of the snow cover on landslide displacement in winter period: a case study in a heavy snowfall area of Japan Sumio Matsuura, Takashi Okamoto, Shiho Asano, Hikaru Osawa, Tatsuya Shibasaki 76 (10) (2017)
  5. Seasonal change in permeability of surface soils on a slow-moving landslide in a heavy snow region Hikaru Osawa, Sumio Matsuura, Yuki Matsushi, Takashi Okamoto 221 1 - 9 (2017)
  6. Displacement properties of a coastal landslide during winter season Matsuura S, Shibasaki T, Osawa H, Sato H, Doi I Proceedings of the 10th Asian regional conference of IAEG 1 - 4 (2015)
  7. Seismic observation in the mudstone landslide area Doi I, Matsuura S, Shibasaki T, Osawa H Proceedings of the 10th Asian regional conference of IAEG 1 - 4 (2015)
  8. Effects of Snow Load on Water Infiltration in the Ground Surface Layer of a Landslide Osawa H, Matsuura S, Okamoto T, Matsushi Y, Terajima T, Shibasaki T Proceedings of the 10th Asian regional conference of IAEG 1 - 4 (2015)
  9. Fluctuations in the pore-water pressure of a reactivated landslide in a Snowy district Sumio Matsuura, Takashi Okamoto, Hikaru Osawa, Tatsuya Shibasaki, Kazutoki Abe, Yasuhiko Okada 499 - 502 (2014)

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